Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.
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Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2018
September 17, 2018
was the correct price because Cit-
rus Wave was the only flavour that
was not part of the $2.99 sale.
KW then asked Lori Johnson,
front-end supervisor, to help.
Johnson and KW reversed the
charge on the pop and advised
the customer of the correct price.
After Johnson left the till, KW
believed that under the store's
fairness policy, when a scanning
problem was found, the customer
should have received one item at
the sale price and a second item
for no charge.
KW said she believed Johnson
told her to "give it to her at the sale
price" before she left the till.
A few minutes later, Johnson
returned and discovered the error.
When she told KW about it, KW
told Johnson that the customer
was another employee's grand-
mother, which made Johnson
question her motivation.
After an investigation meeting
on Jan. 13, KW was suspended
without pay on Jan. 24, and she
was terminated on Feb. 16.
"We have concluded our inves-
tigation and have determined that
you intentionally gave away prod-
uct against the direction from
your supervisor and are in viola-
tion of the internal-theft policy.
During the interview you showed
no remorse for your actions," said
the termination letter.
The union, Union of Cal-
gary Co-op Employees (UCCE),
grieved the dismissal. It argued
the Co-op's scanning policy and
the instructions given by Johnson
during the incident were unclear
and easily led to KW making a
As well, during the Jan. 13
meeting, KW wasn't told it was
a security investigation, which
breached the collective agree-
ment. KW was blind-sided dur-
ing the meeting because she only
believed it was a coaching session,
not disciplinary, said the UCCE.
Arbitrator Allen Ponak upheld
the grievance, but said a four-
month suspension should be sub-
"While I have accepted that
(KW) gave customer A free prod-
uct because she truly believed
the fairness policy entitled the
customer to free product, (KW)
committed several other offences
in the process that justify severe
(KW had been warned numer-
ous times over the years about her
overzealous customer-service
practices, such as accepting ex-
pired coupons, and encourag-
ing customers to purchase more
items to take advantage of money-
saving deals.)
"(KW) had a history of dispens-
ing her own brand of customer
service in violation of rules. She
had been chastised but never dis-
ciplined. The employer would be
on firmer grounds for termination
if progressive discipline had been
imposed with no consequential
change of behaviour. It was not
reasonable for the employer to be-
gin the disciplinary process with
termination," said Ponak.
KW's lack of remorse was cited
by the arbitrator as a factor is the
"At the arbitration hearing, she
heard ample evidence to demon-
strate that she applied the fairness
policy without authorization,
that she applied the policy in cir-
cumstances when it did not apply,
and that she did not seek clarifica-
tion when it was incumbent on
her to do so. Yet, (KW) refused in
the face of this evidence to admit
And by mentioning a "phantom
price-check" during the hear-
ing, said Ponak, it speaks to KW's
"It is hard to say whether (KW)
was simply confused given the
passage of time or deliberately
concocted a phantom price check
to support her version of events.
Either way, I am troubled by
(KW's) inability to recognize the
fallacy of her testimony."
Reference: Calgary Co-Operative Association and Union of Calgary Co-op Employees. Allen Ponak — arbitrator.
Thomas Ross for the employer. Kristan McLeod for the employee. Aug. 12, 2018. 2018 CarswellAlta 1634
allowed employees "four (4) regu-
larly scheduled consecutive work-
ing days in the event of death of an
employee's spouse."
But the employer refused be-
cause it wasn't Koller's husband
who died, but rather her ex-hus-
band. She was forced to use vaca-
tion and statutory holiday days off
The union, the Canadian Union
of Public Employees (CUPE), Lo-
cal 5430 grieved the decision and
requested Koller have her vaca-
tion and statutory holiday days re-
stored into their respective banks.
It argued that the provision in
the collective agreement could
have been used to grant Koller
time off. The phrase "or some-
one with whom they have had an
equivalent relationship" should
have been relied upon, said CUPE.
Even though the marriage was
over, said the union, the couple's
twin sons meant they were still
bound together in a family bond
and, therefore, Koller's relation-
ship to him was equivalent to that
of a current spouse.
But the employer countered
and said that unless the collective
agreement included the prefix
"ex" in front of spouse, it cannot be
used to grant leave. The bereave-
ment clause should only be used
for persons who are actually mar-
ried at the time of death, it said.
Because she was no longer a
spouse, said the Saskatchewan
Health Authority, Koller was no
lonoger in an "equivalent relation-
ship" any longer.
Arbitrator Neil Robertson
agreed and dismissed the griev-
ance. "While it was certainly
appropriate for the employer
to grant leave to (Koller) to at-
tend the funeral and attend to the
needs of her family upon the death
of her ex-husband and father of
their children, the employer was
justified in denying bereavement
"The union has failed to satisfy
the onus of proof to show that the
employer breached the collective
agreement in failing to grant be-
reavement leave to (Koller) upon
the death of her ex-husband," said
The union's argument was not
compelling enough to force a pos-
itive decision in Koller's favour,
according to the arbitrator.
"I also considered whether
clause 30.05(a) could be read
to include an ex-husband as 'an
employee's spouse… former…
or someone with whom they
have had an equivalent relation-
ship', by applying the word 'for-
mer' to 'someone with whom
they… had… the 'relationship' (of
spouse). I do not believe such a
strained and ungrammatical read-
ing is reasonable and I reject such
a construction," said Robertson.
"If the parties did intent to ex-
tend bereavement leave to former
relationships, that could have
been easily stated, as was done for
'former guardian.' I am not pre-
pared to imply such an improba-
ble interpretation and application
of this provision."
Reference: Saskatchewan Health Authority and Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 5430. Neil Robertson —
arbitrator. Jolene Horejda, Tracie Nielsen for the employer. Gary Day, Linda Vancuren for the employee. May 4, 2018.
'Strained, ungrammatical reading' unacceptable: Arbitrator