Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.
Issue link: 31 "Canadian HR Reporter is one of Canada's most important HR publications and is a leader in providing insights and news on the latest developments across our industry. I'm thrilled to have been invited to join their editorial board and look forward to contributing to its success." BIO: As the founder and principal of Williams HR Law and Williams HR Consulting, Laura Williams boasts more than two decades of experience providing strategic advice and legal representation to employers across virtually all industries. She is an entrepreneur, lawyer, speaker, HR business consultant, workplace investigator and thought leader. Laura is widely recognized as a leader in helping organizations leverage innovative, proactive strategies to reduce liability and costs resulting from ineffective and noncompliant workplace practices. Laura has been named on the Canadian Business magazine's W100, which lists the top female entrepreneurs in Canada. Among other awards, in 2018, Williams HR Law was honoured with the Labour and Employment Boutique Law Firm of the Year award at the national Canadian HR Awards. Laura has achieved the coveted Certified Speaking Professional designation, a globally recognized designation held by 70 Canadians and fewer than 17 per cent of the world's professional speakers. "I agreed to be on this board in order to help ensure the future of HR in Canada. With more and more CEOs relying heavily on their HR functions, it is critical that we as an industry continue to innovate and evolve. With close to 20 years of cross-functional HR experience, I am happy to share my experiences and contribute in any way I can to ensure that the future generation of HR practitioners has resources and guidance available as needed." BIO: In his role at Purolator, Tennyson Devoe leads a national HR team in reinforcing strong company culture, driving employee engagement, leading training and development programs and implementing reward and talent management strategies that support the achievement of business goals and objectives. Before joining Purolator in 2015, Tennyson worked for Telus Corp, Groupon and Canada Post leading various human resources functions. He holds a master's degree in organizational development and change from the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto. LAURA WILLIAMS Founder and principal Williams HR Law and Williams HR Consulting in Markham, Ont. TENNYSON DEVOE Director of organizational development and learning Purolator in Mississauga, Ont. "In today's context of labour shortages and organizational change, it is vital that the voice of the HR profession remains strong and united. Canadian HR Reporter is a powerful communication medium for Canada's HR professionals. It is able to reach the directors and managers of organizations, and make them aware of the scale of the challenge and the inestimable value that HR expertise represents." BIO: Manon Poirier has more than 25 years of experience in the human resources field and has been CEO of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés since 2016. The organization's mission is to protect the public and support Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHRs) and Chartered Professionals in Industrial Relations (CPIRs). She is passionate about her work and has a reputation for bringing out the best in the organizations and teams with which she works. Before joining the Ordre, Poirier was vice-president of human resources at the YMCAs of Québec. Manon is a lawyer with a law degree from Université de Montréal. She also has a master's of science in administration from Université Laval and a specialized graduate diploma in management from HEC Montréal. She sits on many committees and is very active in the community and has served as a board member for TDH pour les enfants and for La Relance Jeunes et Familles. MANON POIRIER CEO Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (CRHA) in Montreal Visit GET LISTED IN THE HR VENDORS GUIDE Company Name COMPANY LOGO