Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.
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E D I T O R I A L 6 EDITORIAL Editor/Supervisor: Sarah Dobson Employment Law Editor: Jeffrey R. Smith Labour Relations News Editor: John Dujay Production Editor: Patricia Cancilla Contributors: Laura Williams CORPORATE Chief Executive Officer Mike Shipley Chief Operating Officer George Walmsley President Tim Duce Chief Information Officer Colin Chan Human Resources Manager Julia Bookallil ADVERTISING Business Development Manager: Fred Crossley (416) 644-8740 ext. 236 Vice President Sales John Mackenzie PRODUCTION Art Director: Steve Maver Production Coordinator: Joanne Richards Kim Kandravy MARKETING AND CIRCULATION Subscriptions and Circulation manager: Keith Fulford Marketing Coordinator: Charlyn Macaraeg Global Head of Marketing: Lisa Narroway ISSUE 33.01 Nothing endures but change IT was time. After more than 32 years, Canadian HR Reporter needed a new look. We had stayed true to the large, newspaper-style format for decades, but by 2020, it was time for a change. And it's a really exciting transformation. Bolder headlines, dramatic imagery, a clean layout — while still featuring the same great content for our HR readers. And the size. I confess, when I joined the publication many years ago, I asked about the possibility of reducing the size from the somewhat-awkward tabloid format. It was also a common refrain in our reader surveys: "Love the articles, don't like the large size." But I was always met with a firm "No." A big reason for the 11-by-14 dimensions was the mission to be a newsmagazine, with a strong focus on journalistic content. Happily, with the new design, we've managed to maintain that goal while still providing the same number of articles, features and columns in a smaller, more manageable size. We hope you like the new look. Lots to explore We're also very excited to introduce our new editorial advisory board on pg. 30. This group of well- respected professionals from the HR, legal and academic communities has agreed to provide us with their perspectives on an informal basis. We are so grateful they are onboard and look forward to improved content and insights thanks to their involvement. As usual, we have employment law covered, with three features delving into "dependent" contractors; the duty to inquire around mental illness; and working-from-home legalities. Plus, Jeffrey Smith provides another in-depth column, this time looking at a fitness worker's claims of discrimination and harassment, while Laura Williams of Williams HR delves into the overpayment issue. On the newsy side, be sure to check out John Dujay's article looking at the issue of travel and cannabis. Judging by a new survey, a lot of people don't know the rules, and that could lead to problems for employees and employers, even when it involves personal travel. And in "Breaking through the glass ceiling," we take a look at how women's personalities may be a hindrance when it comes to rising to the top. We're very excited to introduce our new editorial advisory board who will provide perspectives on an ongoing basis. Sarah Dobson, editor, Canadian HR Reporter group Contents of Canadian HR Reporter are copyright © 2020 HAB Press Limited and may not be reproduced in whole or part without written consent. HAB Press Limited disclaims any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the contents of this publication and disclaims all liability in respect of the results of any action taken or not taken in reliance upon information in this publication. HST/GST # 70318 4911 RT0001 Canada Post – Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement 41261516 International Standard Serial Number 0838-228X. The publishers accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, colour transparencies or other materials. Manuscripts or other materials must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. KEY MEDIA and the KEY MEDIA logo are trademarks of Key Media IP Limited, and used under license by HAB Press Limited. Canadian HR Reporter is a trademark of HAB Press Limited. 20 Duncan St. 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON. M5H 3G8 Subscription price: Canada: $175 plus tax; US and International: $175 USD Canadian HR Reporter makes every effort to ensure accuracy in all items reported, but cannot accept responsibility for the representations or claims made by sources used. It is also not responsible for claims made by its advertisers. HR_AD_REVISED_JAN8_2020.indd 1 HR_AD_REVISED_JAN8_2020.indd 1 2020-01-08 10:31 AM 2020-01-08 10:31 AM