March 16, 2020
Labour Reporter
Ontario teacher's 'improper relationships'
with female students triggers dismissal
AN ONTARIO teacher's dismissal for not respect-
ing student-teacher boundaries has been upheld.
The teacher taught automotive technology at
a school in Sudbury, Ont., for three years and was
popular with students. He usually allowed stu-
dents to spend their lunch periods in the school's
auto shop.
The teacher heard that the boyfriend of a fe-
male student — referred to as "X" — was telling
people X had given him a sexually transmitted
disease (STD). After knowing about it for about a
year, the teacher talked to X about it and advised
her to be responsible. He understood that the stu-
dent had already discussed the matter with her
mother, so he didn't mention it to anyone.
Another student in the teacher's class, "Y", told
him she wanted to get a tattoo as a sign of solidarity
with her mother, who was fighting a serious
disease. Y said her father approved and she asked
for a ride because her father was working. The
Talks break off
Ontario nurses walk
away, blame Bill 124
Ontario schools had volunteers
perform tasks of eliminated positions
VOLUNTEERS at some On-
tario schools violated a collective
agreement by replacing eliminat-
ed bargaining unit positions.
The collective agreement for
the Toronto District School Board
(TDSB) had a provision limiting
the use of volunteers "only to en-
rich programs or provide other
services" that didn't adversely af-
fect or permanently replace bar-
gaining unit employees.
In the 2012-13 school year, the
TDSB made cuts to its staff. Vol-
unteers were used at six schools to
help fill in the gaps:
Brazeau County
Drayton Valley, Alta.
(40 public works, shop, agricultural, parks employees) and the
International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 955
Renewal agreement: Effective
Jan. 1, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2021.
Ratified on Oct. 16, 2019.
Signed on Dec. 12, 2019.
Wage adjustments:
Effective Jan. 1, 2020: 1.5%
Effective Jan. 1, 2021: 1.5%
Shift premium: $4 per hour
see Collective agreements > pg. 3
pg. 2
Cassens Transport — Ontario pg. 4 Government of Prince Edward
Island — Prince Edward Island pg. 4 Brink's Canada – Manitoba
pg. 6 JBS Food Canada — Alberta pg. 6
see Employer > pg. 8
see Discussions > pg. 8
Call : 1-888-858-7838
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Change Management: Apr. 28-30, 2020: Calgary
Workplace Restoration: May 12-14, 2020: Toronto
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