Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.
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Canadian HR Reporter, a HAB Press business 2020
On Friday, July 12, 2019, there
was a fire at Rockshield's mill that
forced the company to temporar-
ily lay off employees. The follow-
ing Monday, July 15, Rockshield
recalled several employees who
didn't have the most seniority.
The next day, the mill returned to
full operation and all remaining
workers on layoff were recalled.
The union filed a grievance on
the behalf of employees who had
more seniority than those who
were recalled on July 15, claim-
ing they had been overlooked for
work on that day contrary to the
collective agreement's senior-
ity clause. The union demanded
compensation for the full day of
work those employees missed.
The union argued that the em-
ployees in question were entitled
to exercise their seniority in order
to get called into work when the
mill resumed operations on July
15. In this case, employees were
being recalled to do similar work
in the plant when operations re-
sumed, and some of the employ-
ees who weren't initially recalled
on July 15 were qualified to per-
form much of the work that was
done by junior employees.
The union interpreted the ex-
ception clause as a restriction on
the right of employees to bump
into other jobs if their layoff
was because of a breakdown, as
such a layoff was short-term and
could cause undue hardship for
Rockshield if a "chain of bump-
ing" was started by a breakdown.
The seniority exception was
"meant to address that possible
hardship but was not meant to
restrict an employee's right to be
recalled before junior employ-
ees," said the union.
Rockshield countered that the
exception article was triggered
by a breakdown and, once it was
triggered, all seniority rights
were suspended for up to 48
hours. Seniority rights were still
protected, as they were restored
if the breakdown-related layoff
exceeded 48 hours.
The arbitrator agreed with
Rockshield that a breakdown au-
tomatically triggered the clause
suspending seniority rights and
that clause remained in effect for
the first 48 hours of the break-
down. In this case, the break-
down happened on a Friday, so
the breakdown provision re-
mained in effect on Monday, July
15 since the mill didn't operate
on weekends.
The arbitrator also found that
collective agreement's language
was clear in that both parties
intended to suspend senior-
ity rights in in a specific circum-
stance — a breakdown — for
a specific period of time — 48
hours. In addition, the exception
clause describes both a suspen-
sion of "seniority rights to anoth-
er job the same day" as well as "for
the following day" — encompass-
ing both the process of bumping
to another job to avoid a layoff as
well as being recalled after a lay-
off, said the arbitrator.
"I am persuaded that the inter-
pretation most in keeping with
the provisions of this collective
agreement is that the parties in-
tended to suspend an employee
right to both bumping and recall
for the first 48 hours of a break-
down," the arbitrator said in dis-
missing the grievance.
Reference: Rockshield Engineered Wood Products and United Steelworkers, Local 1-2010. Diane Brownlee —
arbitrator. J. Paul Cassan for employer. James Fyshe for employee. March 5, 2020. 2020 CarswellOnt 3759
Employer allowed to temporarily recall junior employees first
Summer student's account of incident was credible