Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.
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COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS 1 year, 3 weeks or 6% after 5 years, 4 weeks or 8% after 10 years, 5 weeks or 10% after 20 years. Overtime: Paid at time and one-half or double time. Time may be banked, maximum 80 hours per year. May be used as time off in lieu. If employee has not scheduled bank time by Nov. 30 of each year, money in bank will be paid out on first pay in December. May be car- ried over into following year but request must be made by Nov. 30 and used by June 30 in following year. Medical benefits: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Dental: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Vision: Coverage of $275 per 24-month period ($275 per 12-month period for children 14 and younger); $75 for eye examinations per adult and dependant, once every 2 years. Paramedical: Maximum $250 per practitioner per year for chiropodist/podiatrist, chi- ropractor, registered massage therapist, naturopath, osteo- path, physiotherapist, speech therapist, occupational thera- pist, dietician, psychologist/ MSW (Master of Social Work). AD&D: Employer pays 100% of premiums. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums for cover- age of $35,000 to $43,000, de- pending on length of service. Pension: Employer will con- tribute $220 per month in year 1; $230 per month in year 2; $250 per month in year 3, to Steelworkers Pension Plan on behalf of each employee for each month worked. New hires after Jan. 21, 2018, are only eligible for DC pension plan, through Steelworkers Pension Plan. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death in immediate fam- ily (spouse, mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandchildren). 3 days for death in extended family (great grandparents, grand- parents (including spouse's grandparents), mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, stepmother, step- father, stepsister, stepbrother, stepchildren, stepgrandchil- dren). Seniority – recall rights: 48 months following layoff. Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours of pay. Probationary period: 90 cal- endar days of employment. Severance: 2 weeks of pay per year of service, maximum 26 weeks, after 3 years of service; 2 weeks of pay per year of ser- vice, maximum 30 weeks, after 14 years of service; 2 weeks of pay per year of service, maxi- mum 32 weeks, after 25 years of service. Safety shoes: $150 per year (previously $135 per year) for CSA-approved safety foot- wear. Employer may reimburse employee maximum second payment of $150 within 1 year if employee can demonstrate that boots have been badly damaged by oils and coolants used in course of employee's assigned work in tube-bending operations. Tool allowance: Employer will allow maintenance, tool-room personnel to purchase tools necessary to work in employ- er's plant at employer's price. Employer will provide $290 per year to help with purchase of tools. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after increase): Tool and die journeyman: $29.50 rising 2 steps to $30.30 Electrician journeyman: $29.50 rising 2 steps to $30.30 Maintenance journeyman: $29.50 rising 2 steps to $30.30 Tube-mill operator: $24.96 ris- ing 2 steps to $25.76 Welder: $26.22 rising 2 steps to $27.02 Manufacturing operator: $24.69 rising 2 steps to $25.49 Experimental-sample develop- ment: $24.49 rising 2 steps to $25.29 Inspector layout: $24.49 rising 2 steps to $25.29 Die-setter: $25.24 rising 2 steps to $26.04 Cut-off operator: $24.69 rising 2 steps to $25.49 Press operator: $24.69 rising 2 steps to $25.49 Inspector: $23.89 rising 2 steps to $24.69 Shipper/receiver: $24.17 rising 2 steps to $24.97 Salvage and repair: $26.22 ris- ing 2 steps to $27.02 Crib attendant: $23.89 rising 2 steps to $24.69 Stock keeper: $23.89 rising 2 steps to $24.69 Stock keeper, department 65: $24.69 rising 2 steps to $25.49 Order assembly: $23.45 rising 2 steps to $24.25 Janitor: $23.89 rising 2 steps to $24.69 Tool and die change assistant: $24.94 rising 2 steps to $25.74 Steel receiving/stock keeper: $24.17 rising 2 steps to $24.97 Material handler: $23.89 rising 2 steps to $24.69 Manufacturing operator/stock keeper: $24.69 rising 2 steps to $25.49 Bender set-up: $26.37 rising 2 steps to $27.17 Editor's notes: Early retirement allowance: $12,500 (net) to each employee who meets provisions of early retirement and chooses to retire early. Lunch-box inspection: Employee's lunch box, toolbox, other package, is subject to inspec- tion by employer when leaving plant. Humanity fund: Employer will deduct $0.40 per pay from wages of all employees in bargaining unit on weekly basis to humanity fund. Education, recreation fund: Employer will contribute $0.01 per hour for administration and stewardship by USW, Local 2894 into fund to be used for education and recreation of members. Safety glasses: Employer will reimburse employees for 100% of cost of prescription safety glasses every 2 years. Retire- ment allowances: Employees are eligible for 1-time lump sum payment upon retirement: $10,000 in 2018 (between Feb. 7 and June 1); $5,000 in 2019 (between Feb. 7 and April 30); $5,000 in 2020 (between Feb. 7 and April 30). Employee may have allowance directed to RRSP account. CONSTRUCTION Construction Labour Relations Association of Manitoba Provincewide, Manitoba (600 journeymen, apprentices) and the United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UA), Local 254 Renewal agreement: Effective June 2, 2018 to April 30, 2022. Signed on June 18, 2018. Shift premium: 10% per hour (previously $3.85 per hour) for working second shift, after- noon shift; third shift, grave- yard shift (shifts must be at least 2 consecutive nights du- ration; if shift is only 1 evening or night, applicable overtime premium will be paid). Double time for all second, third shifts performed between 8 a.m. Sat- urday and regular starting time on Monday; plus additional 1 hour at regular straight-time rate will be paid. Paid holidays: 11 days (em- ployer will pay double time for all work on those days); in lieu of paid statutory and govern- ment proclaimed holidays, employer will pay 4.5% of total base rate plus vacation pay earnings of 6%. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks. Employee working on north- ern projects will be entitled to 3 weeks of vacation after employee has completed 2 ap- proved tours of duty. Overtime: Time and one-half for first 2 hours of overtime after 8 hours per day, double time thereafter. Time and one- half for first 8 hours of over- time on Saturday, double time thereafter. Double time for all overtime on Sunday. May 18, 2020 May 18, 2020 Canadian HR Reporter, a HAB Press business 2020 4