Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.
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Cerumqui consedi seraectis eos magnisi nvenihi lliquist qui accum de pres experis testior eperest volorum quatat. 123 Queen Street Suite 101 Toronto, Ontario M1P 1M1 Canada Phone: (416) 111-2222 E: Company Name Company Logo 2 0 1 9 READERS' WINNER CHOICE USW welcomes new members at Weston Foods GATINEAU, Que. — The United Steelworkers (USW) wel- comed 125 new members into its ranks on Feb. 5, with workers at the Weston Foods plant in Gatin- eau, Que. who were previously af- filiated with another union. "We're very happy to be repre- sented by, and be able to rely on, such an organization," says Sylvain Laplante, a leader of the USW or- ganizing campaign who was presi- dent of the previous union local at the plant for several years. The Weston workers created the first bargaining unit within the new USW/Syndicat des Métallos, Local 9584, which plans to increase its member- ship in the Outaouais region, says the union. The USW/Syndicat des Mé- tallos represents more than 60,000 workers. Egale workers vote to join CUPE TORONTO — Workers at Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, an LGBTQI2S rights organiza- tion, voted to join the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) on Feb. 4. "Advocacy work can be all- consuming, so it's important that workers have a team that advocates for them as well," says Kristy Davidson, a CUPE na- tional representative who has been working with the group. CUPE has a history of ad- vocating for human rights. Through collective bargaining and legal action, CUPE triggered changes at the federal level that now provide same-sex spousal benefits, says the union. Unifor, Team Industrial ratify new 2-year deal MARKHAM, Ont. — Unifor, Locals 195, 698, 815, 1285, and 1459 ratified a new two-year tentative agreement with Team Industrial on Feb. 4 covering 350 cleaning and facility manage- ment workers at auto assembly plants and parts depots in Al- berta, Ontario and Quebec. Unifor members ratified the agreement after holding online voting and information meet- ings Jan. 29 to Feb. 1. The deal was ratified by a majority of members with an overall result of 61 per cent, says the union. "These negotiations were dif- ficult, but I'm pleased that at the end of the day, our members rati- fied an agreement that provides job security and important eco- nomic gains," says Dino Chiodo, Unifor's director of auto. The collective agreement ad- dresses employees' main con- cerns leading into the negotia- tions, and will provide general wage increases of five per cent over the life of the agreement, improvements to banked time, a $1,500 signing bonus for full- time members, the premium for day (five per cent) and mid- night (10 per cent) shifts was reinstated for all members, and the contract will see improve- ments to group insurance ben- efits including orthodontics, eye exams and prescription glasses, as well as psychother- apy. The new collective agreement is effective until November 2022. Prométic biotechnology workers join UFCW LAVAL, Que. — The United Food and Commercial Work- ers (UFCW), Local 1991P wel- comed 30 biotechnology work- ers from Prométic located in Laval, Que. on Feb. 8. The application for certifica- tion was approved on Jan. 19, by the Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT), says the union. The employees are produc- tion technicians, team leaders, and sanitation employees, says UFCW. "By choosing to join the union, these workers change the bal- ance of power towards building a strong and united voice when negotiating" says Mario Mai- sonneuve, president of UFCW 1991P. UFCW, Local 1991P repre- sents more than 6,000 mem- bers at more than 60 companies across Quebec. FORMERLY CLV REPORTS Serving labour relations professionals since 1956 Subscription rate: $599 per year Customer Service President Tim Duce Editor/Supervisor Sarah Dobson | (416) 644-8740 Ext. 330 News Editor John Dujay | (416) 644-8740 Ext. 321 Employment Law Editor Jeffrey R. Smith | (416) 644 8740 Ext. 319 Business Development Manager Fred Crossley | (416) 644-8740 Ext. 236 NAUK Subscriptions Coordinator Donnabel Reyes | (416) 644-8740 Ext. 243 ©Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher (Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd.). KEY MEDIA and the KEY MEDIA logo are trademarks of Key Media IP Limited, and used under license by Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd.. CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER is a trademark of Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd.. e publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. e analysis contained herein represents the opinion of the authors and should in no way be construed as being either official or unofficial policy of any governmental body. ISSN 0045-5113 Publications Registration 2089 Canadian Labour Reporter is part of the Canadian HR Reporter group of publications. Visit www.hrreporter. com for more information. 2 LABOUR BRIEFS Canadian HR Reporter, a Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd. business 2021