Canadian Labour Reporter

February 15, 2021

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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3 personal leave days. Full-time employees are entitled to paid time off when university's opera- tions are not open for business. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks to start, 3 weeks after 1 year, 4 weeks after 5 years, 5 weeks after 8 years, 6 weeks after 12 years. Unless otherwise speci- fied, part-time employees of services and administration will not be scheduled to work hours during winter holiday, fall reading week, winter read- ing week. Employees required to work will be provided with 2 weeks' notice. Employee may carry over up to 5 days unused vacation, with less than 5 years of employment; up to 10 working days unused vacation with more than 5 years plus one day of employ- ment. Overtime: Time and one-half for time worked in excess of 88 hours in 2-week period for full-time employees; for time worked in excess of 48 hours in 2-week period for part-time employees holding A-1 posi- tions; for time worked in ex- cess of 38 hours in 2-week pe- riod for part-time employees holding A-2 positions. Time and one-half for any employ- ees working on paid holidays. Medical benefits: Employer pays 50% of premiums, em- ployee pays 50% of premiums for supplemental health ben- efits. Dental: Employer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums for dental benefits. Sick leave: 5 days per year for purpose of attending medical, dental, social work, health-re- lated appointments. 1 sick day per month up to 12 per year for full-time employees, 3 sick days in each of 3 trimesters of work up to 9 for part-time employees. Maximum 5 sick days will be paid out if laid off or discharged or upon retire- ment. Upon rehire within 2 years, banked sick leave will be reinstated. LTD: Employer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums. Life insurance: Employer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums Pension: Employer contrib- utes 5% of annual salary to re- tirement plan or group RRSP. Bereavement leave: 5 paid days for death of parent, sibling, spouse, significant romantic partner, former guardian, stepparent, step- child, relative permanently residing in employee's house- hold. Additional 2 days for travel if burial is greater than 350 kilometres from Ottawa and another 2 days if inter- national travel is necessary. 1 paid day to attend funeral of grandchild, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, parent's sib- ling, first cousin, grandpar- ent, spouse's grandparent, sibling's child. Seniority – recall rights: 1 year; 24 months if employee is absent from work due to ill- ness or injury. Probationary period: 4 months for full-time employ- ees, 3 months for part-time employees. May be extended by mutual agreement for up to 1 month. Discipline: Sunset clause is 16 months for all letters of cen- sure, reprimand or criticism. Severance: 3 weeks' notice or salary in lieu of notice plus 1 additional week for each year of service up to maximum of 3 months. Uniforms/clothing: Where uniforms or protective cloth- ing are required, employer will provide. Mileage: Greater of $0.52 per hour or prescribed rate by National Joint Council for em- ployees required to use their personal vehicle for employer's business. Sample rates of annual pay (current start rate/job rate, after 2.5% increase): Senior student rights advocate (director): $62,726.77/$68,031.27 rising in 1 step to $64,294.94/$69,732.06 Student rights advocate: $51,753.88/$57,058.38 rising in 1 step to $53,047.73/$58,484.84 Payroll administrator: $46,816.46/$52,651.41 rising in 1 step to $47,986.87/$53,967.69 Executive assistant, re- search and education: $42,436/$47,740.50 rising in 1 step to $43,496.90/$48,934.01 Web and graphic designer: $42,556.94/$47,861.44 rising in 1 step to $43,620.87/$49,057.98 IT and network administra- tor: $44,557.80/$49,862.30 rising in 1 step to $45,671.75/$51,108.86 Digital media coordina- tor: $36,601.05/$41,905.55 rising in 1 step to $37.516.08/$42,953.19 Zoom productions coordi- nator: $47,740.50/$53,045 rising in 1 step to $48,934.01/$54,371.13 Assistant manager Pivik: $36,813.23/$42,117.73 rising in 1 step to $37,733.56/$43,170.67 Operations manager Pivik: $41,375.10/$46,679.60 rising in 1 step to $42,409.48/$47,846.59 Kitchen manager Pivik: $39,253.30/$44,557.80 rising in 1 step to $40,234.63/$45,671.75 Head cashier Pivik: $33,948.80/$39,253.30 rising in 1 step to $34,797.52/$40,234.63 Kitchen worker Pivik: $33,418.35/$38,722.85 rising in 1 step to $34.253.81/$39,690.92 Peer help officer: $48,000/$53,000 rising in 1 step to $49,200/$54,325 Part-time workers (A-1): $17 per hour/$17.50 per hour ris- ing in 1 step to $18/$18.50 Part-time workers (A-2): $16/$16.50 rising in 1 step to $17/$17.50 Editor's notes: Language training: Where employer deems that applicant for job posting has not attained required level of language proficiency at time of hire, it may opt to hire employee conditionally and allowed specified period of time in order to meet specified proficiency. Transportation allowance: Full-time employees will receive amount of adult Presto OC Transpo monthly pass up to $150 per month. Staff discount: Employees of Pivik and Café Alternatif, will be entitled to 30% discount on purchase of meal at business in which they work (with exclusion of alcohol). ENTERTAINMENT Banff Centre Banff, Alta. (450 support staff employees) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 4318 Renewal agreement: Effec- tive April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022. Signed on June 25, 2019. Shift premium: If employee is required to return to work be- fore 10 hours has expired after last shift ended, employee will be compensated at applicable overtime rate for first part of shift up to point where 10 hours has passed. $1.50 per hour (previously $1 per hour) < from pg. 1 Transportation: Amount of adult Presto OC Transpo monthly pass up to $150 per month. 3 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Canadian HR Reporter, a Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd. business 2021

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