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workplace," insubordination, at-
tendance and "personal work is-
sues" — including three instances
of coaching, one verbal warning,
four written warnings and two
one-day unpaid suspensions.
Reoch was also suspended for
three days for safety issues, which
was a particular concern for Pow-
er Precast since its workplace was
safety sensitive.
Reoch co-chaired the com-
pany's joint health and safety
committee and had a copy of the
Power Precast health and safety
handbook, which required work-
ers to "immediately report unsafe
acts and conditions to supervi-
On May 29, 2020, Reoch was
operating a "bucket truck" — a
forklift fitted with a bucket to
carry concrete. At the end of his
shift, Reoch turned the bucket
truck over to a coworker. He left
without speaking to the coworker.
The coworker inspected the
truck and immediately noticed
there was something wrong with
the brakes. He drove it off to the
side and determined that it wasn't
safe to use. Not finding anything
marked in the logbook, he called
the organization that serviced
the company's forklifts to check
it out.
The maintenance company
found the forklift had "zero
brakes" with cement accumulat-
ed on the brake adjuster. It recom-
mended driving the unit to get the
dust out but it remained "tagged
out" of service until new parts
could be installed.
Afterward, the coworker asked
Reoch about how the brakes on
the truck had been working the
previous day, and Reoch replied
that they weren't working well.
The yard supervisor then spoke
to Reoch about it, and Reoch
said that the brakes were "not the
greatest, then all of a sudden on
that day, none." He explained that
he didn't enter it into the logbook
because he "got used to it" by us-
ing reverse to slow or stop the
forklift — which the supervisor
considered bad practice — and he
was "not sure how bad they really
The company determined that,
since Reoch had several previous
instances of discipline including
a safety-related suspension, his
employment should be terminat-
ed effective June 8.
The union grieved the dismiss-
al, arguing that termination was
excessive and there was a chance
of rehabilitation. Reoch acknowl-
edged that it was "foolhardy" to
operate the forklift and not tell his
coworker, as this could have re-
sulted in injury or death to some-
one. He explained that he had
been preoccupied with his wife's
deteriorating medical condition,
but he had since received coun-
selling and his wife's condition
had improved. He apologized at
the hearing.
The arbitrator noted that
there was no doubt Reoch was
"guilty of deliberate and reckless
behaviour." In addition, he was a
short-term employee with a "less
than stellar disciplinary record"
as well as co-chair of the joint
health and safety committee,
which brought a higher standard
of safety conduct, said the arbi-
The arbitrator found that the
apology and acknowledgment of
misconduct at the hearing came
too late and only when his job was
in jeopardy, when he could have
apologized at the investigation in-
terview. The arbitrator also didn't
accept Reoch's explanation that
his wife's condition affected his
ability to report a safety issue and
caused him to operate unsafe ma-
chinery for multiple hours.
The arbitrator found that
Reoch's "act of commission and
one of omission" could have
caused "catastrophic damage
to life or limb." Given his short
service and disciplinary record,
there was little chance of rehabili-
tation, the arbitrator said in up-
holding the termination.
Reference: Power Precast Solutions and USW, Local 8327. Sydney Baxter — arbitrator. Dan Palayew for employer.
David Lipton for employee. Jan. 4, 2021. 2021 CarswellOnt 3.
stating that staff that participated
in the testing would be paid for
one hour of work with free park-
ing at the hospital.
However, several CCRH em-
ployees said they weren't willing
to participate in the biweekly sur-
veillance testing. One particular
registered nurse at the home said
the initial nasal swab test caused
her nose to bleed for multiple
days and she felt biweekly testing
by the same method was inva-
sive. She also argued that the test-
ing didn't accomplish its stated
purpose, as a test only indicated
whether someone had COV-
ID-19 at that particular time, so
someone could get it during the
two weeks before the next round
of testing.
CCRH said anyone who re-
fused would have to wear full
personal protective equipment
(PPE) for their entire shifts at the
retirement home or be held out of
service. Employees who specifi-
cally challenged the nasal swab
testing method were assessed on
a case-by-case basis and those
who couldn't tolerate the nasal
swab were allowed to do a throat
swab. However, the union filed
a grievance, claiming that the bi-
weekly surveillance testing was
unreasonable for employees who
were asymptomatic.
The arbitrator noted that the
policy was clear and unequivocal,
was brought to the attention of
employees, and the consequence
for not participating was disci-
plinary. These were all criteria
established in arbitral jurispru-
dence and supported by the Su-
preme Court of Canada.
The arbitrator disagreed with
the union's comparison to cases
where drug and alcohol testing
was deemed to be unreason-
able based on the weighing of the
policy's goal against the breach of
employee privacy. It noted that
CCRH's goal of controlling CO-
VID-19 infections — which are
particularly dangerous to the el-
derly, the demographic that made
up CCRH's residents — was not
the same as monitoring the work-
place for intoxicants, which are
not infectious.
"COVID testing reveals only
one piece of information: the em-
ployee's COVID status," said the
arbitrator. "Being intoxicated is
culpable conduct; testing positive
[for COVID-19] is not."
The arbitrator found that,
given the seriousness of the ef-
fects of an outbreak at the home,
it was reasonable to have employ-
ees take a nasal swab test once
every 14 days to help prevent the
spread of COVID-19 in the home.
Waiting to act until an infection
or outbreak happened was not
a reasonable option, said the ar-
bitrator, adding that it had been
established by scientists that test-
ing symptomatic individuals only
would miss much of the spread in
the community.
"A negative test may be of lim-
ited value to the individual em-
ployee tested but it is of high value
to the home; and a positive test
is of immense value to both the
employee and the home," said the
arbitrator. "A positive test leads to
identification, isolation, contact
tracing and the whole panoply
of tools used in combatting the
spread of the virus."
The grievance was dismissed.
Reference: Caressant Care Nursing and Retirement Homes and Christian Labour Association of Canada. Dana
Randall — arbitrator. Thomas Stefanik for employer. Peter Vlaar for employee. Dec. 9, 2020. 2020 CanLII 100531
Potential outbreak risky for residents: Arbitrator
Operator knowingly used forklift with bad brakes