Canadian HR Reporter

August 2021 CAN

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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SYDNEY | AUCKLAND | DENVER | LONDON | MANILA | SINGAPORE | TORONTO PUBLISH AWARDS TABBIES AZBEES THE BIG 95 COPA APEX MAGGIES BELL AWARDS NMA: B2B MPAS EXCELLENCE AWARDS EVENTS PRINT DIGITAL 1 2019 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 • WWW.THESAFETYMAG.COM Examining safety professionals' mental health • Safety in a gig economy • Terminations for OHS infractions PM# 41261516 Mike Doyle excels at promoting safety both at work and in his community SAFETY LEADER YEAR OF THE ADDING VALUE Two systems and languages leads to better problem- solving tools, write lawyers at CMHC IP IN M&A Due diligence is key when acquiring intellectual property and there are pitfalls to avoid TOP 10 BOUTIQUES Corporate and Immigration boutiques offer personalized service How general counsel are leading strategic negotiations with multi-jurisdictional parties FOREIGN INVESTORS HEAD TO CANADA WWW.CANADIANLAWYERMAG.COM/INHOUSE ISSU E 14.06 PM#41261516 PM#41261516 KEEP BLOGGING Times have changed and blogs must change with them, writes Steve Szentesi READERS' CHOICE AWARDS Companies and products that prevailed among their competitors CROSS EXAMINED Kirsten Thompson on going from technical to creative in advising on data strategies The customs of the legal profession are feeling the weight of 21st-century stresses THE END OF AN ? WWW.CANADIANLAWYERMAG.COM ISSUE 43.10 | $11.95 01_Cover-SUBBED3.indd 2 29/10/2019 3:17:55 AM PM# 41261516 NOVEMBER 2019 | LEXPERT.CA | $16.95 THE BUSINESS QUARTERLY FOR LAWYERS RISING STARS LEADING LAWYERS UNDER 40 Q4 PROUDLY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE BUSINESS PUBLISHING COMPANY OF THE YEAR FIND OUT MORE ABOUT US AT WWW.KEYMEDIA.COM

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