Amid a year of various societal and organizational challenges, HR leaders have been tasked with ensuring a smooth transition to
a new way of work. Some of the changes are here to stay, which is why it's time to upskill and refresh the knowledge base of HR
professionals and move forward as innovators.
There's no denying that the nature of the workplace has shifted. That's why we've designed this year's summit to ensure that the
HR sector is ready for what lies ahead. HRD has worked together with industry leaders to prepare a forward-thinking event that will
explore current and future trends in the workforce and put attendees at a strategic advantage for years to come. The summit will
be covering all the biggest challenges HR professionals face today, such as hybridized workspaces, the ups and downs of online
learning, and promoting employee engagement post-pandemic.
Join us from wherever you are to:
■ network and exchange ideas virtually with prominent HR
leaders in the industry
■ hear from leaders with diverse backgrounds about their
journeys to success
■ examine successful diversity initiatives within top
companies – what's working?
■ develop a roadmap for your companies to support, coach,
and help the next generation of industry leaders
■ earn points through a gamification tool to win prizes
OCTOBER 19, 2021 | ONLINE #HRLeadersCA