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COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS lead-hand (assigned on basis of merit, fitness, ability; to guide, direct, supervise work- force). Paid holidays: 9 days plus 2 floaters (after 12 months of compensated service). Vacations with pay: 1 hour for every 26 hours worked, maxi- mum 80 hours, to start, 1 hour for every 17.33 hours worked, maximum 120 hours, after 5 years, 1 hour for every 13 hours worked, maximum 160 hours, after 10 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for work after 8 hours per day or 40 hours per workweek, ex- cept when work is performed by employee exercising se- niority when moving from 1 assignment to another. Meal allowance: $9 for if employee works more than 10 hours in 1 shift. Medical benefits: Employee contributes $15 per month, employer pays balance of pre- mium. Out-of-country medi- cal coverage will be provided with employer paying 100% of premium. Dental: Employees will re- ceive 80% - 20% co-pay pre- ventative plan which includes check-up, cleaning, fillings, extractions, X-rays, root ca- nals, periodontal, endodontic services, maximum $1,200 per family member per year. Vision: Coverage of $210 per eligible family member once every 24 months (previously $250 once during life of agree- ment); benefit may be used toward cost of eye exam. Weekly indemnity: Em- ployer pays 100% of premiums for 1/4/26 plan (payment of equivalent to disability ben- efits provided by Employment Insurance Act, for non-occu- pational bodily injury, disease or pregnancy). AD&D: Employer pays 100% of premiums for coverage of $50,000. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums for coverage of $40,000. Bereavement leave: 4 days for death of spouse, child, stepchild. 3 days for death of parent, brother, sister, step- brother, stepsister, stepparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent. Seniority – recall rights: 12 consecutive months after lay- off; 6 months for employees promoted to supervisory po- sition or position not subject to agreement. Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours of pay at prevailing overtime rate for 4 hours work or less, provided em- ployee works bulletined 35 to 40 straight-time hours in workweek. Probationary period: 65 days within 6 consecutive calendar months. Discipline: Sunset clause is 3 years for records of discipline or caution. Safety shoes: $175 (previ- ously $160) not more often than once each year. Uniforms/clothing: Em- ployer will provide 2 pairs of fire-resistant coveralls per year at no cost to employees. Employer will provide, with- out cost to employees, re- quired safety equipment such as seasonal gloves, safety hats, safety glasses, spats, cutting goggles, welding coats (1 per track), gloves, welding hel- mets with shields and replace- ment glass. Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Carman: $22.10 Car inspector: $20.08 Probationary carmen: $17.69 $500 signing bonus (previous- ly $700 in February and $700 in following January) will be paid to current employees fol- lowing ratification Editor's notes: Retirees: Employees retiring with 15 or more years of continuous service who are between 63 and 65 years old, will receive 80% – 20% co-pay extended health-care benefit with no deductible. Employer will pay 100% of premium for maximum 2 years, with no benefits after 65. Retiring allowance of $2,000 will be paid to retiree. GOVERNMENT Hamlet of Baker Lake Baker Lake, Nunavut (33 municipal employees) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), as represented by its agent Nunavut Employees Union (NEU) Renewal agreement: Effec- tive April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2023. Signed on April 30, 2021. Wage adjustments: Effective April 1, 2019: 2% Effective April 1, 2020: 1.5% Effective April 1, 2021: 1.5% Effective April 1, 2022: 1.25% Shift premium: 15% com- mencing first scheduled work day employee is required to report in acting position, for position not covered by agree- ment; 12% for position covered by agreement. Paid holidays: 12 days plus employees will be off duty at noon on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve days. At request of employee and where opera- tional requirements permit it, employee will not be scheduled to work both Christmas and New Year's Day (employee will not have request denied in 2 consecutive years). Vacations with pay: 1 1/4 days per month to start, 1 2/3 days per month after 2 years, 2 1/12 days per month after 6 years, 2 1/4 days per month after 12 years, 2 1/2 days per month after 15 years, 2 3/4 days per month after 20 years. Employees are not permitted to carry over more vacation leave credits than can be earned in 1 year (credits exceeding 1-year entitlement will be liquidated in cash in May). Overtime: Time and one-half for work after regular hours; double time for all hours worked on second or subse- quent day of rest or designated holiday. May be taken as time off in lieu of compensation, maximum 10 days banked. Dollar value of lieu time will be accumulated at applicable overtime rate and will be paid out at end of each fiscal year. Meal allowance: $25 reim- bursement, except where meals are being provided by employ- er, for employee who works for 3 or more hours of previously unscheduled or emergency overtime immediately prior to or immediately after, employ- ee's regularly scheduled hours of work. 1 additional meal reimbursement of $25 for each 4-hour period of overtime work thereafter. Medical benefits: Northern Employee Benefits Services (NEBS) group benefit plan. Sick leave: 1 1/4 days for each month for which they receive Medical benefits: Employee contributes $15 per month, employer pays balance of premium. Tool allowance: Maximum $200 when employee wishes to purchase hand tools to perform duties. November 15, 2021 4 Canadian HR Reporter, a Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd. business 2021