Canadian Labour Reporter

November 15, 2021

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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Plan. Employer pays between 55% of premiums and 70% of premiums, based on years of service. Pension: Employer will con- tribute $1.15 per hour to Prairie Teamsters Pension Plan. Bereavement leave: 40 hours for death in immediate family (wife (includes common-law, same-sex), husband (includes common-law, same-sex), son (includes stepson), daughter (includes stepdaughter)). 4 days for death in family (father, mother, sister, brother, mother- in-law, father-in-law, grand- parents, spouse's grandparents, grandchildren, any relative of employee who resides with employee). Additional 5 days off, without pay, may be given should additional time off be required for travel arrange- ments. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months from date of layoff. Call-in pay: Minimum of 4 hours of work. However, should employee choose to leave of own volition after completion of duties called in for, employee will be paid minimum of 2 hours of pay at applicable overtime rates. Paid at time and one-half for work greater than 40 hours per week. Probationary period: Ends af- ter 120 calendar days and suc- cessful application and receipt of restricted area identification card (RAIC). Maximum time to complete probationary period will be 30 working days after receipt of RAIC or 180 days, whichever comes first. Discipline: Sunset clause is 12 months for all forms of disci- pline or letters of expectation. Safety shoes: $160 per year (previously $150 per year) for approved footwear, after 1 year of service. Unused allowances will carry over for 1 additional year, maximum $300. Uniforms/clothing: Protec- tive clothing will be supplied by employer consisting of raincoats, rain pants and noise suppressors. 4 pairs of appropriate protective gloves will be issued in spring for summer use; 3 pairs of ap- propriate protective gloves with liners will be issued in fall for winter use. Once each 2 years, employer will provide following options to full-time employees at no cost: 3 pairs of pants, 5 shirts, 4 sets of coveralls or 5 pairs of pants, 7 shirts and no coveralls or 7 sets of coveralls. Part-time employees will be issued with 2 pairs of pants, 2 shirts or 3 sets of coveralls. Employer will supply 1 spring/fall jacket replaced every 36 months. mutually acceptable winter parka will be fully paid for by employer and replaced every 24 months upon return of previous issue. If employee chooses to purchase insulated coveralls rather than winter parka, employer will reim- burse employee for purchase up to purchase price of parkas in that year. Employer will pay for dry cleaning parkas used at work, maximum 2 times per year. Tool allowance: Tool insur- ance covering fire and theft of $5,000 per person, with $100 deductible, will be provided by employer. Mileage: $0.45, including GST, per kilometre when employees use own vehicles to provide transportation while on com- pany business or who provide transportation to or from work at locations other than Calgary airport. Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Full-time fuellers Hire rate: $16.65 After red pass: $17.30 After probation: $17.95 Upon completion of 12 months: $18.80 Upon completion of 18 months: $19.55 Upon completion of 24 months: $20.30 Upon completion of 36 months: $20.80 Upon completion of 48 months: $21.55 Upon completion of 60 months: $22.54 Upon completion of 72 months: $23.04 Upon completion of 84 months: $24.24 plus $924 lump sum Full-time facility Hire rate: $19.12 After red pass: $19.72 After probation: $20.32 Upon completion of 12 months: $20.96 Upon completion of 18 months: $21.46 Upon completion of 24 months: $22.16 Upon completion of 36 months: $23.05 Upon completion of 48 months: $23.80 Upon completion of 60 months: $24.46 Upon completion of 72 months: $24.96 Upon completion of 84 months: $26.22 plus $1,000 lump sum Full-time utility Hire rate: $15.30 After red pass: $15.56 After probation: $16.16 Upon completion of 12 months: $16.93 Upon completion of 18 months: $17.43 Upon completion of 24 months: $17.93 Upon completion of 36 months: $18.43 Upon completion of 48 months: $18.93 Upon completion of 60 months: $19.43 Upon completion of 72 months: $19.93 Upon completion of 84 months: $20.43 Upon completion of 96 months: $22.05 plus $840 lump sum Mechanic: $40.96 Editor's notes: Medical examinations: Employer will pay employees, who are requested by employer to take physical ex- amination and examination will be during working hours. HEALTH CARE St. Joseph's Health Care London London, Ont. (733 nurses) and the Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA) Renewal agreement: Effec- tive June 8, 2021 to March 31, 2023. Ratified in September 2021. Signed on April 28, 2021. Wage adjustments: Effective April 1, 2022: 1% Shift premium: $2.25 per hour for each hour worked which falls within hours defined as evening shift. $2.88 per hour for each hour worked on night shift. $2.80 per hour for each hour worked between midnight Friday and midnight Sunday ($3.04 on April 1, 2022). $2 per hour whenever employee is assigned additional respon- sibility to direct, supervise, oversee work of employees within their classification or be assigned overall responsi- bility for patient care on unit, ward, area, for 1 tour of duty Paid holidays: 12 days. Em- ployees scheduled to be off- duty on holiday weekend will normally be scheduled to be off-duty on holiday. Employ- ees scheduled to work on hol- iday weekend will normally be Safety shoes: $160 per year (previously $150 per year) for approved footwear, after 1 year of service. November 15, 2021 6 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Canadian HR Reporter, a Key Media Canada (HR) Ltd. business 2021

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