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PM #40065782 A P.E.I. WORKER showed re- morse but his suspension was reasonable progression from prior discipline, says an arbitrator The worker was a forklift op- erator at a Kent Building Store in Summerside, P.E.I. Hired in 2000, his job involved working in clear- ance and other areas of the store. He had good relations with cus- tomers to the point where some asked specifically for him to assist them. On Dec. 5, 2019, the worker was moving inventory when a New contract SGS Canada employees ratify deal that will see wage gains in each of three years of agreement TELECOMMUNICATIONS Bell Canada Provincewide, Manitoba (1,200 customer service employees) and Unifor, Local 7 Unpaid leave during COVID-19 quarantine not breach of county's collective agreement AN ONTARIO municipality did not breach the collective agreement when it placed a long-term care home employee on unpaid sick leave twice be- cause of COVID-19 quarantine requirements. Tara Smith was a full-time registered nurse at Norview Lodge, a long-term care home in Sim- coe, Ont., operated by the Corporation of Norfolk County. The county initially hired Smith in 1995 and her seniority date was 2004. In April 2020, Smith displayed symptoms of COVID-19. As a result, she had to undergo a 14- day quarantine period in accordance with Norfolk County policy and public health guidelines. This caused her to miss 11 days of work from April 8 to 21. For the first two days of absence, she was paid for five regular hours, 7.5 sick-time hours, and 2.5 hours from her banked overtime under the county's COVID-19 attendance policy that allowed em- ployees to use their banks of sick time for COVID- December 20, 2021 see No > pg.8 Kruger Packaging Brampton Division — Ontario pg. 4 Hamlet of Pond Inlet — Nunavut pg. 5 School District No. 73 Kamloops/Thompson — British Columbia pg. 6 St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital — Ontario pg. 7 store associate asked him to get several sheets of lattice from an elevated shelf for a customer. The worker was frustrated because the two other forklift operators weren't as busy as he was and he thought one of them should have been asked instead. According to some other em- ployees, the worker protested loudly, uttered a string of profani- ties, and threw a walkie-talkie. He also revved the forklift engine more loudly than normal when Renewal agreement: Effective Dec. 20, 2019 to Dec. 19 , 2022. Signed on Oct. 19, 2020. Wage adjustments: Effective Dec. 20, 2019: 1.5% Effective Dec. 20, 2020: 1.5% Effective Dec. 20, 2021: 1.5% Shift premium: $1.25 per hour for time worked between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. $1.25 per hour for employee assigned as charge-hand. $1.25 per hour for time worked on all tours commencing on Saturday, on second and subsequent Satur- days worked for employee who is normally scheduled to work 5 days per week or 10 days over 2-week period and who works at least one-half shift on each of see Profanity> pg.8 see Collective Agreements> pg.3 ARBITRATION AWARDS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS pg. 2 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Worker apologizes for tantrum but 5-day suspension upheld