Canadian Labour Reporter

January 6, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER 5 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2013 Foreman: $42.31 per hour Lead hand/Charge hand: $41.63 Assistant foreman: $41.63 B Welder I: $40.83 B Welder II: $39.37 Machinist: $37.62 Crane operator: $35.38 Production worker: $25.77 Helper I: $23.71 Helper II: $21.72 Labourer: $16.64 Beginner: $15.93 Student labourer: $14.71 Editor's notes: Personal insurance: Up to $200 for employ- ee's personal items destroyed by fire on company property. Clean-up: 5-minute personal clean-up time before end of shift. n TRANSPORTATION Autobus Transco MONTRéAL (135 bus drivers) and the Fédération des employees et employés de services publics (FEESP). Renewal agreement: Effective Oct. 21, 2013, to Oct. 21, 2016. Signed on Oct. 21, 2013. Wage adjustments: Effective 2014: 2% Effective 2015: 2% Calculated by CLR Shift premium: 30% for chartered and extracurricular trips. Paid holidays: 9 days. Vacations with pay: 1 week to start and 2 weeks after 15 years. Overtime: Time and one-half during the week and on Satur- day. Double time on Sunday. Meal allowance: $7 for breakfast, $14 for lunch and $16 for dinner. Sick leave: 2 days after 1 year, 3 days after 5 years, 4 days after 10 years, 5 days after 15 years, 6 days after 20 years and 7 days after 25 years. Bereavement leave: 5 days for spouse or child. 4 days for father, mother, brother, sister, the children of the employee's spouse, father-in-law, mother-in-law or the parents of the em- ployee's spouse. 2 days for grandchildren. 1 day for brother- in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, niece or nephew. 1 additional day if the funeral takes place more than 240 km from the employee's residence. Seniority – recall rights: 2 years. Probationary period: 90 days. Discipline: Sunset clause is 1 year. Sample rates of pay, current: Bus driver: $15.50 Editor's notes: License: At the beginning of every school year employees must provide license and competency card. Posts: Employees can change their post once each year. Same-day cancellation: Employees are paid 3 hours at regu- lar rate for same-day cancellations. Last-minute trips: Last minute trips are distributed to employees whose trips have been cancelled or who can arrive first. Unpaid leave: Must be between 4 weeks and 12 months. Marriage: 1 paid day for the employee's marriage. 1 unpaid day for the marriage of the employee's parents, siblings or children. Parental leave: 52 weeks unpaid. Birth and adoption: 2 paid days and 3 unpaid days for the birth or adoption of the em- ployee's child. Family obligations: 5 unpaid days for family obligations. n FOOD SERVICES Potlotek First Nation CHAPEL ISLAND, N.S. (22 deckhands) and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union of Canada (UFCW) Local 864. Renewal agreement: Effective May 17, 2013, to May 16, 2016. Signed on May 17, 2013. Wage adjustments: $500 signing bonus. Paid holidays: 8 days. Bereavement leave: 5 days for employee's spouse, com- mon-law partner, child, mother, father, sister, brother, legal guardian, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sis- ter-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren and spouse's grand- parents. If there is a death in the employee's family while at sea the employer will arrange for transportation to shore. The employee will receive his/her full share as though he/ she completed the trip. The payment will come from the crew's share. Seniority – recall rights: 2 years. Probationary period: 3 trips. Uniforms/clothing: $300 per year. Uniform includes full outfit of oilskins, boots, gloves and work suits. Editor's notes: Union steward: 1 employee per crew acts as union steward for the vessel. Captain: The captain or manager can immediately and permanently remove an em- ployee from the crew if the employee disobeys a command or refuses to participate in safety drills while at sea. Dis- putes: Disputes between the employer and union will be referred to a Council of Elders to engage in a Mi'kmaq reso- lution process known as Kisikuewey Wantaqo' suti. Once the parties agree to resolve their dispute through Kisikue- wey Wantaqo' suti, they cannot opt out of the process. Parties can be represented by legal counsel in this process. The consensus reached is final and binding. Safety: Employ- ees are not required to endanger his/her personal safety to save equipment, gear, cargo or machinery. Trip length: Trip length for snow crab fishing is 3 days. Trip length for lobster fishing is 8 hours. Personal items: When a vessel is lost or burned during a trip employees receive a $1,000 lump sum for loss of personal items. Satellite phone: The employer will provide and pay for the use of a pay satellite phone on board the vessel.

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