Canadian Labour Reporter

January 27, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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JANUARY 27, 2014 6 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 Continued on page 8 Discipline: Sunset clause is 18 months. Severance: Employees with 9 or more years' service are entitled to severance pay equal to a week's pay for each year of service, to a maximum of 20 weeks pay. Mileage: 31.5ยข per km. Sample rates of pay, current: CH-08: $15.62, rising in 2 steps to $16.64 per hour CH-09: $15.75, rising in 2 steps to $16.74 CH-10: $15.86, rising in 2 steps to $16.87 CH-11: $15.95, rising in 2 steps to $17.02 CH-12: $16.13, rising in 2 steps to $17.15 CH-13: $16.26, rising in 2 steps to $17.36 CH-14: $16.42, rising in 2 steps to $17.56 CH-15: $16.64, rising in 2 steps to $17.79 CH-16: $16.82, rising in 2 steps to $18.02 CH-17: $17.10, rising in 2 steps to $18.38 CH-18: $17.27, rising in 2 steps to $18.62 CH-19: $17.63, rising in 2 steps to $19.03 CH-20: $17.97, rising in 2 steps to $19.49 CH-21: $18.29, rising in 2 steps to $19.93 CH-22: $18.64, rising in 2 steps to $20.43 CH-23: $19.02, rising in 2 steps to $20.89 CH-24: $19.72, rising in 2 steps to $21.72 CH-25: $20.49, rising in 2 steps to $22.60 CH-26: $21.16, rising in 2 steps to $23.42 CH-27: $21.96, rising in 2 steps to $24.30 CH-28: $22.74, rising in 2 steps to $25.20 CH-29: $23.34, rising in 2 steps to $25.92 CH-30: $23.97, rising in 2 steps to $26.62 CH-31: $24.88, rising in 2 steps to $27.64 CH-32: $25.67, rising in 2 steps to $28.54 CH-33: $26.51, rising in 2 steps to $29.49 CH-34: $27.39, rising in 2 steps to $30.52 CH-35: $28.39, rising in 2 steps to $31.68 CH-36: $29.49, rising in 2 steps to $32.91 CH-37: $30.54, rising in 2 steps to $34.11 CH-38: $31.65, rising in 2 steps to $35.31 CH-39: $32.71, rising in 2 steps to $36.60 CH-40: $33.76, rising in 2 steps to $37.77 CH-41: $34.57, rising in 2 steps to $40.76 CH-42: $35.46, rising in 2 steps to $41.79 CH-43: $36.80, rising in 2 steps to $43.39 CH-44: $38.13, rising in 2 steps to $44.98 CH-45: $39.47, rising in 2 steps to $46.62 CH-46: $41.17, rising in 2 steps to $48.66 Editor's notes: Pregnant employees: Pregnant employees are not required to be in contact with patients who have a conta- gious disease which may put her unborn child at risk. Family leave: 3 paid days for employee to attend to family matters such as the temporary care of a sick family member, the at- tendance of meetings with school authorities or attending to needs related to home or family emergencies. Daylight sav- ings time: The changing of daylight savings time to standard time, or vice versa, will not result in overtime or in employees being paid less than normal daily hours. State of emergency: Employees working in a state of emergency declared by the hospital or appropriate provincial/municipal authority will be paid overtime. Immunizations: Immunizations required by the employer are provided free of charge. n GOVERNMENT Municipal Corporation of Iqaluit IqALUIT, NUNAVUT (160 inside and outside employees) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2013, to Dec. 31, 2015. Signed in May 2013. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2013: 2.5% Effective Jan. 1, 2014: 3% Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 3.5% Paid holidays: 12 days. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks after 1 year of service, 4 weeks after 2 years, 5 weeks after 8 years, 6 weeks after 15 years, 8 weeks after 30 years, effective Jan. 1, 2013. Sample rates of pay, current: Labourer: $45,454.76 per year, rising in 8 steps to $55,215.08 Assistant lifeguard: $45,454.76, rising in 8 steps to $55,215.08 Motor vehicle mechanic: $53,030.56, rising in 8 steps to $63,997.20 Recreation programmer: $53,030.56, rising in 8 steps to $63,997.20 Program co-ordinator: $62,176.61, rising in 8 steps to $74,852.90 Firefighter: $62,176.61, rising in 8 steps to $74,852.90 Emergency response technician: $62,176.61, rising in 8 steps to $74,852.90 Editor's notes: Casual leave: 2 hours per day to attend appoint- ments effective Jan. 1, 2013. Religious observances: Effective upon ratification, employees allowed time off in annual leave, leave without pay, time in lieu or shift exchange to fulfil religious observances. Civil liability: Committee established to discuss em- ployer's liability insurance program. Assistance from Federal Me- diation and Conciliation Service may be requested. Arbitration Awards Summaries of recent arbitration awards from federal and provincial arbitration boards. For summaries from past issues, visit for a searchable online archive. Your paid subscription includes unlimited access to the archive. Brewing brouhaha A RECENT RULING saying Sleeman did not pay one of its employ- ees the holiday pay he was owed might be tough to swallow for the Ontario-based brewing company. Though he was on sick leave at the time, Fernando Pires was entitled to the holiday pay he did not originally receive for July 1,

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