Canadian Labour Reporter

May 20, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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8 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 sPotligHt on striKes May 20, 2014 1 2 35 6 83 26 1 2 1 Year number of employees involved in Work stoppages Across Canada 2005 199,007 2006 42,314 2007 65,552 2008 41,331 2009 67,313 2010 57,728 2011 91,139 2012 137,407 2013 203,767 2014 * 3.073 Year Duration of Work stoppages in Days (Average) 2005 36.4 2006 50.3 2007 40.8 2008 45.4 2009 60.8 2010 51.7 2011 49.8 2012 23.9 2013 86.7 2014 * 57.8 strikes across Canada Number of strikes in e ect in 2013: Source: Government of Canada * The data for 2014 reflects numbers to the end of March.

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