Canadian Labour Reporter

May 26, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian May 26, 2014 Chrysler CEO vows to throw out 2-tier wages Wants to eliminate higher wage, tie lower wage to company performance By Liz Foster UniOn lEadErs havE waged wars over the two-tier wage sys- tem, which keeps entry-level workers on a permanent, lower pay grid. So why — now that Chrysler Group CEO Sergio Marchionne wants to end the two-tier wage structure at the Detroit Three auto plants in the United States — are they so worried? "A two-tier wage system is completely destructive to the workplace," said Unifor's national president Jerry Dias. "A two-tier wage system cre- ates all kinds of dissention on the shop floor. While Marchionne is right in identifying the system as a problem, I don't agree with his solution." Marchionne made mention of his intention at the Fiat Chrysler Auto- mobiles five-year product plan unveiling in Auburn Hills, Mich., on May GROCERY Pioneer Co-operative swift Current, sask. (450 retail employees) and the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Local 950 renewal agreement: Effective Aug. 26, 2012, to Aug. 31, 2016. Signed on Oct. 20, 2013. Wage adjustments: Effective Sept. 1, 2013: 3% Effective Aug. 31, 2014: 3% Effective Aug. 30, 2015: 3% shift premium: $8 per day for Deal signed B.C. health minister Terry Lake and premier Christy Clark reach tentative deal with health care staff ArbitrAtion AwArDs pg. 2 see Canadian > pg. 7 see Collective agreements > pg. 3 A termination of note for school janitor pg. 6 Au Dragon Forgé - Quebec pg. 3 Nasittuq Corp. - Northwest Territories pg. 4 SaskEnergy - Saskatchewan pg. 4 Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations - Saskatchewan pg. 4 Canada Bread Company - New Brunswick pg. 4 The Birches - Nova Scotia pg. 5 TdsB, caretakers square- off over square footage CarETakErs WOrking for the Toronto District School Board could be getting a wage hike after a retired head groundskeeper de- bunked the "bunker definition" — bumping the square footage up for most schools and, in turn, the pay. The TDSB pays its caretakers based on the square footage of a school. The bigger the surface area, the bigger the paycheque. As such, Kevin Gossling — a now- retired head caretaker respon- sible for maintaining the grounds ColleCtive Agreements ColleCtive Agreements ArbitrAtion AwArds Photo: Rebecca Cook (Reuters) Chrysler Group CEO Sergio Marchionne — pictured above at the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles five-year product plan unveiling — recently an- nounced his desire to end the company's two-tier wage scale. Negotiate with confidence. Mock sessions. Best practices. Program leaders with real-world experience. Choose Queen's IRC and thrive in your next negotiation session. i r c . q u e e n s u . c a see Arbitration > pg. 6 Photo: Ben Nelms (Reuters)

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