Labour Reporter
May 26, 2014
Chrysler CEO
vows to throw
out 2-tier wages
Wants to eliminate higher wage, tie
lower wage to company performance
By Liz Foster
UniOn lEadErs havE waged wars over the two-tier wage sys-
tem, which keeps entry-level workers on a permanent, lower pay grid.
So why — now that Chrysler Group CEO Sergio Marchionne wants to
end the two-tier wage structure at the Detroit Three auto plants in the
United States — are they so worried?
"A two-tier wage system is completely destructive to the workplace,"
said Unifor's national president Jerry Dias. "A two-tier wage system cre-
ates all kinds of dissention on the shop floor. While Marchionne is right
in identifying the system as a problem, I don't agree with his solution."
Marchionne made mention of his intention at the Fiat Chrysler Auto-
mobiles five-year product plan unveiling in Auburn Hills, Mich., on May
Pioneer Co-operative
swift Current, sask.
(450 retail employees) and the Retail, Wholesale
and Department Store Union, Local 950
renewal agreement: Effective
Aug. 26, 2012, to Aug. 31, 2016.
Signed on Oct. 20, 2013.
Wage adjustments:
Effective Sept. 1, 2013: 3%
Effective Aug. 31, 2014: 3%
Effective Aug. 30, 2015: 3%
shift premium: $8 per day for
Deal signed
B.C. health minister Terry
Lake and premier Christy
Clark reach tentative deal
with health
care staff
pg. 2
see Canadian > pg. 7
see Collective agreements > pg. 3
A termination of note for school janitor pg. 6
Au Dragon Forgé - Quebec pg. 3 Nasittuq Corp. - Northwest Territories
pg. 4 SaskEnergy - Saskatchewan pg. 4 Saskatchewan Association
of Health Organizations - Saskatchewan pg. 4 Canada Bread
Company - New Brunswick pg. 4 The Birches - Nova Scotia pg. 5
TdsB, caretakers square-
off over square footage
CarETakErs WOrking for
the Toronto District School Board
could be getting a wage hike after
a retired head groundskeeper de-
bunked the "bunker definition" —
bumping the square footage up for
most schools and, in turn, the pay.
The TDSB pays its caretakers
based on the square footage of
a school. The bigger the surface
area, the bigger the paycheque.
As such, Kevin Gossling — a now-
retired head caretaker respon-
sible for maintaining the grounds
Chrysler Group CEO Sergio Marchionne — pictured above at the Fiat
Chrysler Automobiles five-year product plan unveiling — recently an-
nounced his desire to end the company's two-tier wage scale.
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see Arbitration > pg. 6