Canadian Labour Reporter

June 9, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian June 9, 2014 CFL, union fumble during contract talks Changing dynamic of professional sports signals bargaining shift By SaBrina nanji Canada's FootbaLL season may be in jeopardy if the league and players' union continue to butt heads. Following the expiration of the collective agreement governing players at the end of May, the Canadian Football League (CFL) failed to sign a con- tract with the Canadian Football League Players' Association (CFLPA) — leaving the fate of the season up in the air. Talks broke down days before spring training camps opened on June 2, with (as of press time), no plans slated for further negotiations. Of particular concern for the players' association is revenue sharing, a clause that had been removed when the most recent contract was signed before the 2010 season. Much has changed for the CFL since the last collective agreement was inked. New stadiums erected in Winnipeg and Hamilton and the launch of a new franchise in Ottawa — coupled with an attractive broadcasting con- tract with TSN — spells a prosperous future for the budding league. GAMING Pure Canadian Gaming (Casino Calgary) Calgary (302 employees) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 4655 Renewal agreement: Effective Aug. 25, 2013, to Aug. 24, 2018. Signed on April 2, 2014. Wage adjustments: Fact and figures Inflation rose to 2 per cent in April, the highest since 2012, likely due to a jump in gasoline prices. We break down the CPI numbers. ArbitrAtion AwArds see Collective agreements > pg. 3 Long-term care aide found guilty of patient abuse pg. 6 TBH Services - Ontario pg. 3 Université de Sherbrooke - Quebec pg. 4 City of Regina - Saskatchewan pg. 4 The Wexford Residence - Ontario pg. 4 The Akoma Family Centre - Nova Scotia pg. 5 City of Kingston - Ontario pg. 5 third chance the charm for machinist aFteR not one, but two final chances, a machine operator suf- fering from alcoholism at a bus manufacturer in Manitoba was given a third and final chance by an arbitrator. Martin Friesen — a machine operator with New Flyer Indus- tries in Winnipeg — was fired after breaching the terms of a second last chance agreement, which pertained to his absentee- ism and alcoholism. For a number of years, Friesen ColleCtive Agreements ColleCtive Agreements ArbitrAtion AwArds Photo: Todd Korol (Reuters) CFL commissioner Mark Cohon signed an attractive new TV broad- casting contract with TSN, prompting the players' union to push for a revenue sharing clause and a chunk of that change. Negotiate with confidence. Mock sessions. Best practices. Program leaders with real-world experience. Choose Queen's IRC and thrive in your next negotiation session. i r c . q u e e n s u . c a see Arbitration > pg. 6 see Players > pg. 7 pg. 8

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