Canadian Labour Reporter

July 21, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian July 21, 2014 Ex-Walmart staff in Quebec win Supreme Court victory Company violated labour laws after shuttering when workers certified By SaBrina nanji AftEr An AlmoSt decade-long battle, the union representing employees at a now-defunct Walmart in Jonquiere, Que., has emerged triumphant. The superstore shuttered its doors back in 2005, just one year after workers certified (and thereby becoming the first unionized Walmart in North America) and after attempts to negotiate a collective agreement proved fruitless. As bargaining went to an arbitrator, the company an- nounced it would be closing that same year, effectively putting almost 200 staff out of work. The United Food and Commercial Workers union (UFCW) imme- diately sought recourse in the courts. While the company maintained the store was no longer profitable, the union argued it closed its doors GROCERY Sourdough markets territory-wide, Yukon (46 retail employees) and the Teamsters Union Local 31 renewal agreement: Effective July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2019. Signed on Feb. 11, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective July 1, 2013: 40¢ per hour Effective July 1, 2014: $1,000 lump sum payment for full- time staff Effective July 1, 2014: $750 Unions keep eye on Wynne After winning the majority for the Liberals in Ontario, Unifor has vowed to hold Premier Kathleen Wynne to her promises for a labour-friendly agenda. ArbitrAtion AWArds see Collective agreements > pg. 3 Retaliation leads to termination pg. 6 Group TVA - Quebec pg. 3 Sunset Manor - Alberta pg. 4 Treasury Board - East coast pg. 4 Town of Vegreville - Alberta pg. 5 Somavrac - Quebec pg. 5 Green light stops safety at Vale, conductor fired AftEr miSrEAdinG track traffic signals, a conductor was found guilty of endangering him- self and his coworkers, and was rightfully fired, an arbitrator has ruled. Wayne Denny, a train conduc- tor at a Vale mine operation in Ontario since 2007, was fired in 2012 after giving the go-ahead to a locomotive engineer to proceed onto the track of a smelter when it was not safe to do so. Though Denny claimed the ColleCtive Agreements ColleCtive Agreements ArbitrAtion AwArds Photo: Mike Cassese (Reuters) The Supreme Court ruled Walmart violated Quebec's labour laws when it shut down almost 10 years ago after workers certified — be- coming the first unionized Walmart in North America. Negotiate with confidence. Mock sessions. Best practices. Program leaders with real-world experience. Choose Queen's IRC and thrive in your next negotiation session. i r c . q u e e n s u . c a see Arbitration > pg. 6 pg. 2 see Case > pg. 7

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