Canadian Labour Reporter

August 5, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian August 5, 2014 HOUSING Capital Region Housing Edmonton (57 employees) and the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) Local 118/011 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 31, 2015. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 2.5% Shift premium: 65¢ per hour for employees required to use paint-spraying machines, or to mix or spray pesticides. Alberta pension changes slated for Sept. 1 Changes to Alberta's pension legislation will come into effect this fall, finance minister Doug Horner announced. ArbitrAtion AwArdS see Collective agreements > pg. 3 College employee claims discrimination based on creed pg. 06 Cooney Bulk Sales - Brantford, Ont. pg. 3 St. Boniface Hospital - Winnipeg pg. 4 Indu-Com Coatings - Aurora, Ont. pg. 4 Circon Construction - Mississauga, Ont. pg. 4 City of Greater Sudbury - Sudbury, Ont. pg. 5 City Hotels NB - Edmunston, N.B. pg. 5 Canada Post staffer awarded after heated confrontation A PoStiE bASEd in Edmon- ton received compensation after an arbitrator found Canada Post violated the collective agreement when dealing with one of her complaints. Yvette Brusseau, a union stew- ard who worked the midnight shift at the Edmonton Mail Pro- cessing Plant for two years, at- tempted to schedule a meeting with her superiors in 2009 con- cerning the accommodation she was receiving regarding a work- ColleCtive AgreementS ColleCtive Agreements ArbitrAtion AwArds Photo: Mark Blinch (Reuters) After failing to unionize Toyota workers in Cambridge and Woodstock, Ont., Unifor is renewing its organizing efforts. The union plans to open a non-bargaining local in the area in an attempt to engage Toyota employees. Negotiate with confidence. Mock sessions. Best practices. Program leaders with real-world experience. Choose Queen's IRC and thrive in your next negotiation session. i r c . q u e e n s u . c a see Arbitration > pg. 6 pg. 2 see UAW > pg. 7 Unifor puts toyota workers in driver's seat Union opens non-bargaining local in certification drive By Liz Foster UnifoR iS CHAnging lanes after a long and bumpy ride in its efforts to organize Toyota workers in Ontario. A non-bargaining local will be set up for workers at Toyota's Cambridge and Woodstock plants. The move — according to Unifor's national president Jerry Dias — will show workers Unifor is about more than just bargaining. "Our union is much more than just collective bargain- ing and I think that's the key here," Dias said. "Collective bargaining is obviously so important to our union, but we

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