Canadian HR Reporter

September 8, 2014

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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Canadian HR RepoRteR September 8, 2014 News 11 $745 regular $945 ... save $200 offer valid until Oct 15, 2014 The Professional Recruiter Full Accreditation Program on Multimedia CD-ROM This program covers a set of key recruitment and selection skills. The goal is to help you reduce recruitment costs, lower the risk of bad hiring decisions and avoid needless litigation. Successful completion of all 3 Modules makes you eligible for membership in the Association of Professional Recruiters of Canada, APRC, with the RPR (Registered Professional Recruiter) designation. Details at Your employer brand in 140 characters In the wake of layoffs, employees often take to social media By Liz BeRnieR We see it in the news so often, it's almost become an expecta- tion: In the wake of layoffs, cuts or downsizing, employees take to so- cial media — or talk to the actual media — to share their thoughts, feelings, fears or opinions. ere's no shortage of recent examples — one CBC journalist live-tweeted a town hall meeting about 657 impending layoffs at the public broadcaster; a dean at the University of Saskatchewan was fired and (temporarily) stripped of tenure after publicly criticizing a restructuring plan that involved job cuts. It's fairly common for em- ployees to want to share their thoughts on social media, par- ticularly about situations that are unpleasant or stressful, said Stacy Parker, managing director at Blu Ivy Group in Toronto. "e reality is that most people will use social media, particularly when they're not so happy with the way things have taken place. Especially during downsizing, it is a very challenging time for the en- tire employment culture," she said. "Everything that a company has promised to employees about their corporate values and em- ployee engagement and trust can be eroded within a day when it's a downsizing exercise if it's not done and communicated effectively." Open, honest employee communications Employee communication is such a critical element during a down- sizing because being fair, open and transparent goes a long way, said Andrea Plotnick, national expertise director, organizational effectiveness, at Hay Group in Toronto. You can't really forbid employ- ees from speaking out on social media, she said. "To think that you can sort of rope people in so that it's not go- ing to leak outside the organiza- tion is not possible. We're in a boundary-less society — anybody has access to anything, given the Internet," she said. "You can't forbid people from doing it. So my perspective is more about how you handle the layoff in the first place. And the best defence is really taking the high road as an organization — so having a very clear, fair, consis- tent process, where you're treating people with respect." Organizations that do the best job of it will have a clear com- munications plan in place, said Parker. "During a downsizing… it's a great time to step forward as a leader and say, 'ese are the things that we are hearing, I'd like to address what's being said and make you feel comfortable.' at transparency is critical and of- ten, because we are led with the old-school concept that during terminations saying less is better for fear of litigation, it's really im- portant in today's corporate cul- ture that you are as transparent as possible, and really as human as possible," she said. Zappos is a good example of how this can be handled well, said Parker. In 2008, it had to lay off about eight per cent of its em- ployee base — but the CEO han- dled the situation with complete transparency. "Not only did he do all of the (correct) things internally but (he) also personally started tweet- ing and blogging about the agony that he had to go through mak- ing those decisions, and what he would be committed to doing for those people that left, because they were a very valuable part of the company," said Parker. "He also encouraged his employees to use their own judg- ment on how they communicated the news through their own social media networks. And what it end- ed up doing was actually building compassion and building trust within the organization." Companies that don't have this open communication miss the mark, no matter how well they take care of exiting employees, said Parker. "ey miss the mark with the people inside, who are now going through their own grieving pro- cess, and will make assump- tions if it's strictly an email that goes out from HR an- nouncing the restructuring," she said. "ere needs to be one- on-ones with those people, there needs to be group meetings, all of the leaders need to be really present, because it gives them a sense of comfort that the leaders did agonize over the restructuring… they need to be present and they need to show that humility and that human- ness, because it builds trust." Protecting your employer brand Open communication with em- ployees is a key aspect of navigat- ing a layoff — but what if the mes- sage still gets lost in translation when they take it online? "It's really easy for somebody to misstep and to say something on social media that is taken in the wrong context, or just reveals too much information to the media, without it being malicious," said Rachel Segal, digital strategist at Toronto-based Broad Reach Communications. That's why more and more companies are adopting social media policies or guidelines, said Amanda Brewer, senior associate, corporate team, at Broad Reach Communications. "e social media policy can be as simple as the Ontario public government's (situation where) none of their employees have access to Facebook at work, to if an employee sets up a Twitter ac- count, they have to be very clear that the opinions they express are their own and not those of their employer," she said. Employers can also put guide- lines in place around who is al- lowed to speak to the media, said Brewer. "I'm working on a crisis plan for a client right now and it actually is written in the plan that if an in- cident happens… that one of the protocols they follow is to request to employees that they not speak to the media," she said. "Every employee is fully aware that if a journalist reaches out to them — if they get a tweet, a mes- sage on social media from a blog- ger or a journalist who is looking to speak to them — that they know who within the company to direct that to." And it's important to remind employees about these protocols if an incident does take place, said Segal. "Even though you have these policies and contracts that are typically put in place, people aren't necessarily thinking about those on a day-to-day basis. So it's important, if there is information going out there or an announce- ment is going to be made, posi- tive or negative, that there is that reminder and executive staff re- members that it's important to say where they should direct people," she said. But while having a social media policy is certainly not a bad idea, it's important to consider how detailed or complex you want to make it, said Segal. In many cases, having social media guidelines might work better than a strict policy. "e word 'guidelines' immedi- ately is so much friendlier because it says that there is a bit of a con- versation about it. In any event, no matter how it's presented, it should invite people to ask ques- tions, first and foremost," she said. "By really cracking down hard and saying, 'Don't share anything,' you might also be eliminating a possibility in the future to share something positive." Policies and guidelines not- withstanding, the most impor- tant way to protect your employer brand is to treat employees well — especially during a layoff, said Plotnick. "e best defence is a good of- fence, and your offence is about how you choose to treat people in the first place," she said. "To the extent possible, when you do things fairly, respectfully and appropriately, it kind of less- ens the impact of anybody going to social media. "at's the most critical piece — making sure you have nothing to hide." "you can't forbid people from doing it... the best defence is taking the high road."

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