Canadian Labour Reporter

September 8, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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8 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 September 8, 2014 UnemPloYment rAtes/ConsUmer PriCe index FACts And FigUres UnemPloYment rAte — JULY 2014 Labour Force (000s) Employment (000s) Unemployment Unemployment Rate Change from (000s) (%) Previous Month newfoundland and labrador 270.1 240.7 29.4 10.9 up 0.7 Prince edward island 85.9 79.2 6.7 7.8 up 1.5 nova scotia 503.5 457.5 46.0 9.1 up 1.2 new brunswick 400.3 361.8 38.5 9.6 up 1.2 Quebec 4,463.4 4,118.3 345.1 7.7 up 0.4 ontario 7,645.8 7,023.7 622.1 8.1 up 0.6 manitoba 678.4 638.4 40.0 5.9 up 1.1 saskatchewan 593.9 572.8 21.1 3.6 up 0.3 Alberta 2,429.8 2,311.6 118.2 4.9 up 0.1 british Columbia 2,508.1 2,353.5 154.6 6.2 up 0.4 All Canada Age 15 to 24 3,265.5 2,827.3 438.3 13.4 down 0.2 25 to 54 12,612.4 11,842.1 770.3 6.1 up 0.5 55+ 3,701.2 3,488.0 213.2 5.8 up 0.9 25+, men 8,722.7 8,209.3 513.4 5.9 up 0.2 25+, women 7,590.9 7,120.8 470.1 6.2 up 0.1 total 19,579.1 18,157.4 1,421.7 7.3 up 0.6 ConsUmer PriCe index — ALL CANADA, JULY 2014 (1992=100) 2013 (1992=100) 2014 (2002=100) 2013 (2002=100) 2014 January 144.3 146.5 121.3 123.1 February 146.1 147.7 122.7 124.1 march 146.3 148.6 122.9 124.8 April 146.0 149.0 122.7 125.2 may 146.4 149.7 123.0 125.8 June 146.4 149.8 123.0 125.9 July 146.6 123.1 August 146.6 123.1 september 146.7 123.3 october 146.5 123.0 november 146.4 123.0 december 146.1 122.7 Annual Average 146.2 122.8 Average Annual increase 1.2% 1.2% July 2013 to July 2014 2.3% 2.4% July 2014 (1986=100) 228.3 191.9 July 2014 (1981=100) 302.6 254.3 July 2014 (1971=100) 716.7 602.4 ConsUmer PriCe index — PROVINCES, JULY 2014 July 2014 (2002=100) % change from July 2013 newfoundland and labrador 128.9 2.2 Prince edward island 130.4 1.8 nova scotia 128.9 2.0 new brunswick 124.8 1.8 Quebec 123.7 1.6 ontario 126.5 2.5 manitoba 125.8 1.5 saskatchewan 129.0 2.5 Alberta 132.9 2.5 british Columbia 119.6 1.4 Data retrieved from Statistics Canada.

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