Canadian Labour Reporter

October 6, 2014

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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5 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2014 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER ColleCtive Agreements discipline: Sunset clause is 2 years. Severance: 1 week's pay for each complete half-year of ser- vice to a maximum of 1 year. Sample rates of pay, current: Dispatcher: $20.90 rising in 12 steps to $35.23 per hour editor's notes: Schedule change: If a change is made to the official work schedule affecting an employee's hours of work without 14 days notice the affected employee will receive $40. Marriage leave: 1 paid day to be taken either in the week of or the week after the marriage. Maternity leave: Provided in accordance with the provisions of the Canada Labour Code. No employee will be required to work night shifts during their third trimester. Family leave: 25 hours per year to attend to the temporary care of a spouse, dependent children or parents or to attend to routine personal appointments such as medical or dental appointments. Recurrent training: All employees will attend and complete annual recurrent training and complete a written examination. If an employee fails the recurrent written exam, 8 hours of additional training will be provided, followed up by a second written exam. If the employee fails the second exam, the situation will be reviewed by the Director of Flight Operations, which may result in termination. Competency check: Employees are required to pass a mandatory competency check, carried out by a Check Dispatcher and/or Transport Canada. If the employee fails the competency check, up to 25 hours of additional training will be provided, followed by a second written exam. If the employee fails the second exam, the situation will be reviewed by the Director of Flight Operations, which may result in termination. FOOD SERVICES Produits Belle Baie ltée Caraquet, n.B. (240 production employees) and the Syndicat Acadien des Travailleurs Affiliés et des Pêches Renewal agreement: Effec- tive April 1, 2014, to March 31, 2015. Signed on April 1, 2014. Shift premium: 15¢ per hour for employees trained in first aid. 12¢ per pound for employ- ees busting crabs. 10¢ per hour for employees working the crab truck, freeze, towmotor or boil- er. $11.35 per hour for employ- ees operating shrimp machines (husking and cooking). Paid holidays: 11 days. Overtime: Time and one-half for employees required to work during lunch breaks. Overtime ($15 rate) for all work after 8 hours in one day and for all hours worked on Saturday and Sunday. Sick leave: Employees absent for more than 15 total days in a year must provide a medical excuse. Uniforms/clothing: Employer provides rain coats, waders and gloves at no cost to employees. Sample rates of pay (current, after no increase): Production Employees: $10 per hour rising in 15 steps to $13.50 editor's notes: Bonus: 40¢ per 1000 pound of shrimp paid to wedge-men, divided by the number of employees. EDUCATION elk island Public Schools Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. (97 employees) and the Alberta Teachers' Association Renewal agreement: Effective Sept. 1, 2012, to Aug. 31, 2016. Wage adjustments: Effective Sept. 1, 2015: 2% Effective Nov. 1, 2015: 1% lump sum payment Medical benefits: Health spending account: $750 per teacher, contributed by em- ployer annually. Sick leave: 20 days, 3 of which may be used to care for a sick parent, child or spouse. Pension: Alberta Teachers Re- tirement Fund and the Alberta School Employee Benefit Early Retiree package. No other de- tails available. Bereavement leave: 10 days for the death of a child or spouse. 5 days for the death of a parent, brother, sister, parent of spouse, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild or relative who re- sides with the teacher. 1 day for the funeral of a grandparent, brother-in-law or sister-in-law. 1 day to serve as a eulogist, pall- bearer, unpaid soloist or unpaid accompaniment at a funeral. If travel is required, regular com- mercial travelling time will be added on to leave. Sample rates of pay, current: Teacher, 4 years of schooling: $57,940 per year, rising after 10 years to $92,169 Teacher, 5 years of schooling: $61,342, rising after 10 years to $95,558 Teacher, 6 years of schooling: $65,179, rising after 10 years to $99,408 Additional allowances (subject to 2% wage increase effective Sept. 1, 2015) Principal, 0-499 students: $27,181 per year Principal, 500-649 students: $28,584 Principal, 650-899 students: $31,390 Principal, 900-999 students: $34,197 Principal, 1,100-1,199 students: $35,599 Principal, 1,200-plus students: $37,002 Assistant principal, 0-499 stu- dents: $16,309 Assistant principal, 500-649 students: $17,150 Assistant principal, 650-899 students: $18,834 Assistant principal, 900-999 students: $20,518 Assistant principal, 1,000-1,199 students: $21,359 Assistant principal, 1,200-plus students: $22,201 Associate superintendent: Up to$7,374 (based on $167 per course, $144 per teacher, $2,396 per course) editor's notes: Principal leave: 2 paid days per year for school-based principals, which expire in June each year. Pro- fessional development: A teacher eligible for a leave of absence for the purpose of study shall receive 70% of benefits plus continuation of employer contribution of benefits, or the minimum salary on the pay grid per category of teach- er's schooling, plus employer contribution to benefits – whichever is greater. Compassionate care: 5 paid days for critical illness of a spouse or child, parent, brother, sister, parent of spouse, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild or relative who resides with the teacher.

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