Canadian Labour Reporter

January 5, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian January 5, 2015 The year ahead Key labour players gaze into their crystal balls to see what 2015 has in store for collective bargaining and negotiations NEWS Leaders from Unifor, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business and more pick the most important labour stories of 2014 pg. 2 Gibsons and District Public Library Board — B.C. pg. 6 BFI Canada — Alta. pg. 8 City of Camrose — Alta. pg. 9 East Isle Shipyard Limited — P.E.I. pg. 9 Spaniard's Bay Town Council pg. 10 CollECTivE AgrEEmENTS Building Trust in the Workplace Learn how to identify the reasons behind low trust levels and transform organizational culture to foster a more transparent and positive environment. i r c . q u e e n s u . c a February 12, 2015: Toronto and October 19, 2015: Calgary NEW PROGRAM! pg. 12 More highlights from 2014 > pg. 2 Looking back at 2014 We review some of the top labour stories that made headlines this year By SaBrina nanji this past year was a significant one for the labour movement in Canada. Unifor — which became the coun- try's biggest private sector union follow- ing the marriage of the Canadian Auto Workers and the Communications, En- ergy and Paperworkers — celebrated its first anniversary. An impasse at the bar- gaining table jeopardized the kickoff of the football season. A push for certifica- tion at threeToyota plants hit some speed bumps. And with federal expiring, whispers of tough negotiations and strikes were plen- tiful across the public sector. In the pages to follow, we look at sto- ries that had an impact in 2014, and hear from top players in the labour game. EDUCATION elk island public schools Fort saskatchewan, alta. (97 employees) and the Alberta Teachers' Association renewal agreement: Effective Sept. 1, 2012, to Aug. 31, 2016. Wage adjustments: Effective Sept. 1, 2015: 2% Effective Nov. 1, 2015: 1% lump sum payment Medical benefits: Health spending account: $750 per teacher, contributed by em- ployer annually. sick leave: 20 days, 3 of which may be used to care for a sick see Collective agreements > pg. 6 Worker holds out for 'perfect' accommodation an eMployee of a federal agency did not live up to his part of the accommodation process when he wasn't allowed to take religious holidays, an adjudicator has ruled. Anton Paul Andres was an au- ditor for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at its tax services office in London, Ont., since 1992. Andres was an Orthodox Chris- tian, which recognized certain holy days according to a different calendar. As a result, holidays such as Eas- ter and Christmas usually fell on ColleCtive Agreements ArbitrAtion AwArds see Arbitration > pg. 11 Photo: Mark Blinch (Reuters) Representatives from Unifor stand outside the Toyota plant in Cambridge, Ont., in March 2014. See writeup on page 4.

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