Canadian Labour Reporter

February 2, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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3 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER ColleCtive Agreements Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2015 8 a.m. $2.25 per hour for all hours worked on a Saturday or Sunday. paid holidays: 11 days. Time and one-half for all hours worked on a named holiday. Vacations with pay: 11 shifts per year to start, 14 shifts after 7 years of service, 18 shifts after 18 years of service, 21 shifts after 26 years of service. overtime: Time and one-half for the first 4 hours of overtime, double time for all subsequent hours worked in excess of 42 per week. Time off may be taken in lieu of pay, up to 10 days may be banked. Meal allowance: $11 or a free meal when an employee works 3 hours or more of overtime, immediately before or following the employee's scheduled hours of work. Sick leave: Earned at 11/12th of a shift. Bereavement leave: 4 working days or scheduled shifts for the death of an immediate family member. That includes father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, foster parent, brother, sister, spouse, fiancé, child, child of spouse, stepchild, father-in- law, mother-in-law, grandpar- ent, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, legal guardian and any other relative perma- nently residing in the employee's household or with whom the employee permanently res- ides. Additional 3 days may be granted if travel for the funeral is required. Seniority – recall rights: 1 year. Call-in pay: Minimum 3 hours pay at overtime rate between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m., for telephone consultations. Minimum 4 hours' pay at overtime rate for call back. probationary period: 6 months. discipline: Sunset clause is 18 months. Severance: 2 weeks' pay for the first year of employment subse- quent to 1997, 1 week's pay for each additional year of employ- ment thereafter. Uniforms/clothing: Dress uni- form, issued upon certification: 1 tunic, 1 shirt, 1 necktie, 1 pair of trousers, 1 service cap. Work uniform: 2 pairs of trousers, 4 cotton shirts, 1 wool sweater, 1 belt, 1 jumpsuit, 1 baseball cap, issued as required. 1 nylon jacket every 2 years, 8 T-shirts (4 issued per year). Sample rates of pay, current: Recruit: $60,571 per year Firefighter: $66,947, rising in 4 steps to $75,416 Fire captain: $78,984, rising in 4 steps to $89,033 Editor's notes: Long service pay: $340 after 5 years, $450 after 10 years, $580 after 15 years, $170 after 20 years, $840 after 25 years, $970 after 30 years. GOVERNMENT (HEALTH CARE) Alberta health Services provincewide, Alberta (26,000 nurses) and the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) Renewal agreement: Effective April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2017. Signed in August 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective April 1, 2013: $1,000 lump sum payment Effective April 1, 2014: $1,000 lump sum payment Effective April 1, 2014: 2% Effective April 1, 2015: $1,000 lump sum payment Effective April 1, 2015: 2.25% Effective April 1, 2016: 3% Shift premium: $3.50 per hour for workers put in charge for more than one unit. paid holidays: 11 days, plus 1 floater. Double time and one- half for all hours worked on a named holiday, up from 2 times straight rate. Triple time for all hours worked on Christmas Day or August Civic Holiday. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks after 1 year, 4 weeks after 2 years, 5 weeks after 10 years, 6 weeks after 20 years. Head nurses: 4 weeks after 1 year, 5 weeks after 10 years, 6 weeks after 20 years. Medical benefits: $50 per visit for massage and physiotherapy. Previously $35. Sample rates of pay, current: Certified graduate nurse: $32.02 per hour, rising after 9 years to $39.11 Certified psychiatric nurse: $32.02, rising after 9 years to $39.11 Registered nurse: $35, rising af- ter 9 years to $45.93 Registered psychiatric nurse: $35, rising after 9 years to $45.93 Assistant head nurse: $36.17, ris- ing after 9 years to $48.11 Head nurse/instructor: $38.30, rising after 9 years to $51.38 Editor's notes: Personal leave: 3 days, previously 4 days. Professional development: $250, up from $100. ELECTRICITY ATCo Electric provincewide, Alberta (1,660 office employees) and the Canadian Energy Workers Association Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 31, 2016. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2014: 3.5% Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 3.5% Effective Jan. 1, 2016: 3.75% Shift premium: Shift differ- ential for overtime, evening or night shift, Saturday or Sunday work and all hours worked on a named holiday: $2.52 per hour effective 2014, $2.61 per hour effective 2015, $2.71 per hour ef- fective 2016. paid holidays: 12 days. An employee will be paid the over- time rate for the hours actually worked plus the normal day's pay. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks to start, 4 weeks after 7 years, 5 weeks after 16 years, 6 weeks after 24 years. overtime: Double time for all hours worked in excess of 8 per day. Employees may bank up to 48 hours of overtime per year, and may be combined with time-off entitlements. Bereavement leave: 3 days with pay and up to 2 additional days without pay for travel for the death of an immediate family member. That includes parent, sibling, spouse, common-law spouse, child, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, spouse's grandpar- ent, grandchild, step relatives at the same levels and any de- pendant living in the employee's household. Seniority – recall rights: Re- hiring to happen on a "last out, first in" basis. Call-in pay: Minimum 2 hours' pay or compensation for actual time worked — whichever is greater. 1 hour's pay for each standby period, double time if employee is required to be on standby on a scheduled day off. Triple time for standby on a named holiday. probationary period: 3 < from pg. 1

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