Canadian Labour Reporter

February 2, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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5 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER ColleCtive Agreements Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2015 full-time employees and 1,248 hours for part-time employees for all other disciplinary action. Safety shoes: $119.26 per year. Sample rates of pay (current, after 0.75% increase): Housekeeping worker: $23.25 per hour Laundry worker: $23.25 Maintenance person: $23.56 Nutritional aide: $23.88 Food services worker: $23.88 Occupational therapist assis- tant: $24.99 Health-care aide: $24.99 Activity worker: $24.99 Lead hand physical services: $25.42 Registered practical nurse: $28.02 Editor's notes: Split shifts: There will be no split shifts. TRANSPORTATION Bombardier Transportation Canada provincewide, ontario (600 trainmen) and Teamsters Canada Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2013, to Dec. 31, 2017. Signed on Aug. 15, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2013: 3% Effective Jan. 1, 2014: 2% Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 2% Effective Jan. 1, 2016: 2% Effective Jan. 1, 2017: 2.75% paid holidays: 10 days and 2 floating days. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks after 1 year, 3 weeks after 5 years, 4 weeks after 10 years, 5 weeks after 15 years and 6 weeks after 28 years. Medical benefits: Maximum $500 per year for massage therapy. Ad&d: $40,000. Previously $25,000. No other information available. Life insurance: $40,000. Previ- ously $25,000. No other infor- mation available. pension: Employees can con- tribute 1 – 4% of base salary. Previously 2%. No other infor- mation available. Call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours' pay at applicable overtime rate. Safety shoes: $140 per year. $150 effective Jan. 1, 2015. $160 effective Jan. 1, 2017. Sample rates of pay (current, after 2% increase): Labourer A: $22.87 per hour Train operator A: $46.78 COMMUNICATIONS Communications Security Establishment ottawa (1,360 administrative services employees) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Renewal agreement: Effective Feb. 10, 2012, to Feb. 9, 2015. Signed on Sept. 25, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective Feb. 10, 2012: 1.75% Effective Feb. 10, 2013: 1.5% Effective Feb. 10, 2014L 2% paid holidays: 11 days. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks af- ter 1 year, 4 weeks after 8 years, 4 weeks and 2 days after 16 years, 4 weeks and 3 days after 17 years, 5 weeks after 18 years, 5 weeks and 2 days after 27 years, and 6 weeks after 28 years. Sick leave: Employees regain unused sick leave credits if they are rehired within 1 year of term or 2 years after layoff. Bereavement leave: 7 consecu- tive days following the death of a family member. Previously 5 days. Severance: Severance entitle- ments for retirement and vol- untary resignation will cease to accumulate. Employees laid off after 1 year's service are entitled to 3 weeks' pay. Employees with more than 20 years' service are entitled to 4 weeks' pay. Sample rates of pay (current, after 2% increase): UNI-01: $36,323 annually rising to $43,813 UNI-06: $66,529 rising to $78,271 UNI-11: $107,116 rising to $126,019 Editor's notes: Market allowances: Employees classified at the UNI-04 to UNI-11 levels performing computer science administration or engineering functions will receive the market allowance in accordance with wage increases. Effective Feb. 10 in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Family leave: Employees may use up to 7.5 hours of the total family leave provided to at- tend school activities or meet with financial and legal representatives. EDUCATION University of ottawa ottawa (3,500 teaching assistants) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Renewal agreement: Effective Sept. 1, 2013, to Aug. 21, 2016. Signed on Sept. 17, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective Sept. 1, 2013: 1.8% Effective Sept. 1, 2014: 1.8% Effective Sept. 1, 2015: 1.8% paid holidays: 11 days plus the number of days between Dec. 23 and the first day of classes in January. Medical benefits: Employees will be reimbursed $40 per year that can be used towards topping up. Previously an em- ployee-paid health and dental insurance. dental: Employees will be reim- bursed $40 per year that can be used towards topping up. Previ- ously an employee-paid health and dental insurance. Sample rates of pay (current, after 1.8% increase): Undergraduate: $24.73 per hour Marker, graduate: $29.68 Teaching assistant, graduate: $41.19 Editor's notes: Maternity leave: Employees are entitled to the maternity leave benefit if they have a continued contract for the next semester [previously employees were required to have completed 13 weeks of work to be eligible], to a maximum of 75 hours. Previously 62.5 hours. Conference fund: Employer contributes $30,000, previously $20,000, in

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