Canadian Labour Reporter

February 9, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian February 9, 2015 MUNICIPALITY Lac Ste. Anne County Lac Ste. Anne, Alta. (190 operating employees) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1928 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2015, to Dec. 31, 2016. Signed on Nov. 27, 2014. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 3% Effective Jan. 1, 2016: 3% Shift premium: 40¢ per hour worked on a Saturday, 50¢ for Falling gas prices slow inflation to 1.5 per cent We break down Statistics Canada's inflation and unemployment rates ArbitrAtion AwArds see Collective agreements > pg. 3 Sabbatical request repeatedly denied pg. 6 St. John's Shipping Association pg. 3 Golden Plough Lodge pg.4 Logistec Stevedoring pg. 4 Tuktoyaktuk Housing Association pg. 5 City of Red Deer pg. 5 B.C. bus operator fired after secretly going to India WhIStLeR tRAnSIt, a trans- portation company in British Co- lumbia, dismissed bus operator Baljit Nagra for abandoning his position — and going to India, a decision upheld by an arbitrator. Whistler Transit has a sea- sonal contract with the provincial government and provides trans- portation during peak ski and snowboard season. Employees are expected to follow a schedule ColleCtive Agreements ColleCtive Agreements ArbitrAtion AwArds Photo: Mark Blinch (Reuters) Strategic Grievance Handling Develop techniques and approaches to confidently analyze and manage all steps in the grievance process. i r c . q u e e n s u . c a March 24 to 27, 2015: Toronto see Arbitration > pg. 6 pg. 8 see Union > pg. 7 CBC mandate bans paid speeches Union objects to 'arbitrary' new policy By Liz Foster foLLoWIng questions of potential con- flict of interest, CBC recently enacted a new mandate prohibiting employees — but not freelance contributors — from making paid appearances for corporations and industry groups. In addition, CBC pledged to continue with the full disclosure of all public appear- ances by its journalists online. Jennifer McGuire, editor-in-chief and general manager of CBC News and its re- gional centres, along with Michel Cormier, executive director for news and current affairs at French services, made the an- nouncement Jan. 22. "CBC/Radio-Canada holds itself to the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Our standards and practices are among the most rigorous in Canadian media," Mc- Guire and Cormier said in the statement. In the face of increasing criticism concerning possible conflicts of interest, CBC recently imple- mented a new mandate banning on-air employees from accepting paid speaking positions.

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