Canadian HR Reporter

February 23, 2015

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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Canadian HR RepoRteR February 23, 2015 4 hr By the NumBers Compiled by Liz Bernier - Source: Statistics Canada Broken engagement Less than one-third (31.5 per cent) of workers in the United States were engaged in their jobs in 2014, according to a poll of 80,837 workers. Employee engagement is highest among managers, executives and offi cers, 38.4 per cent of whom are engaged. $ 24.79 they earn what? Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Millennials on the move It won't come as a surprise to managers who see millennial employees turn over like clockwork every two years or so. But generation Y spends 20 per cent less time in each job they hold than generation X. e average tenure is 2.7 years in each job for millennials, compared with 3.4 years for gen X, according to a survey of 4,000 Canadians. Profile faux-pas Credit: bikeriderlondon/Shutterstock 35,000 Increase in employment in January 2015. 6.6% National unemployment rate in January. 128,000 Increase in employment in the 12-month period to January 2015. 47,000 Increase in part-time employment in January; full-time employment saw little change. 4.8% Unemployment rate among women aged 55 and older. 6.2% Unemployment rate among men aged 55 and older. 12.8% The January youth unemployment rate, which fell slightly as fewer youths looked for work. 16,000 Increase in employment in Quebec, the highest provincial increase. 8,400 Decrease in employment in Saskatchewan, the largest provincial decrease. 8,800 Decrease in employment in the natural resources sector. Source: Linkedin Credit: Sebastian Crocker/Shutterstock Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials Millennials on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move on the move 6 % Percentage of employees who have had only one job in their career . 28 % Percentage of employees who have held between fi ve and 10 jobs. 16 % Percentage of employees who have had more than 10 jobs. Source: Workopolis Credit: Gary Paul Lewis/Shutterstock Compiled by Liz Bernier - Source: Statistics Canada 4.8% Unemployment rate among women aged 55 and older. 6.2% Unemployment rate among men aged 55 and older. 12.8% Hourly wage of a bus driver with MTV Canada Bus in Vancouver. at works out to annual earnings of $51,563, assuming a 40-hour workweek. ere is also a signing bonus of $300 to $500, depending on marital status, and a tool allowance of $700 per year. of employees are not engaged. of employees are actively disengaged. Number of workers in manufacturing or production engaged in their jobs — the sector with the lowest engagement. Number of millennial employees engaged in their jobs — the generational cohort with the lowest engagement. 51% 17.5% 23% sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. sector with the lowest engagement. Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees Number of millennial employees engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational engaged in their jobs — the generational cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. cohort with the lowest engagement. 23% 23% 23% 23% 23% 23% 23% 23% 23% Source: Gallup Credit: photofriday/Shutterstock glass half-empty? Canadian jobseekers are more pessimistic heading into 2015, with 47 per cent expecting declining economic conditions this year, according to a survey of at least 400 workers. at's compared with last year, when just 31 per cent predicted a declining economy. 65% of employees expected a raise in 2014 Source: Gallup Source: Gallup Source: Gallup Source: Gallup Source: Gallup Source: Gallup Source: Gallup year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just year, when just 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent 31 per cent predicted a predicted a predicted a predicted a predicted a predicted a predicted a 31 per cent predicted a 31 per cent 31 per cent predicted a 31 per cent 31 per cent predicted a 31 per cent declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. declining economy. 65% 65% 65% 65% of employees of employees of employees of employees expected a raise in expected a raise in expected a raise in expected a raise in expected a raise in expected a raise in 59 % of employees expect a raise in 2015 Source: Randstad Canada Credit: Andrey_Kuzmin/Shutterstock When you're fl ipping through candidates' LinkedIn profi les, you'll soon start to notice a pattern: ere are a handful of buzzwords that are overused to the point of becoming clichés. In Canada, the word "passionate" was the worst off ender in 2014. 10 TOP in Canada overused buzzwords Source: Linkedin 1. passionate 2. motivated 3. creative 4. driven 5. extensive experience 6. organizational 7. strategic 8. problem-solving 9. analytical 10. communications skills

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