Canadian Labour Reporter

March 16, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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5 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2015 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER ColleCtive Agreements refractive surgery. std: Plan funded by employ- er. Employees receive 100% of regular pay up to 20 working days per year. Unused credits carried forward. Employees receive 75% of regular pay in excess of accumulated day. Ltd: Employees pay 100% of premiums. Benefit level 60% of monthly base salary. Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums for Basic Life Insurance Plan. $25,000 term insurance coverage. Bereavement leave: Leave on the death of an employee's spouse, parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent of grandchild is at the discretion of the employer. seniority – recall rights: 2 years. Probationary period: 1 year. sample rates of pay, current: Professors, counsellors and librarians: $59,653 per year ris- ing in 16 steps to $103,412 Full-time instructors: $39,242 rising in 10 steps to $66,625 Post-secondary partial-load professors: $79.70 per hour rising in 16 steps to $138.26 Non-post-secondary partial- load professors: $71.72 rising in 16 steps to $127.37 editor's notes: Tuition subsidy: Employees in the bargaining unit may take ministry-funded programs or courses of other programs or courses mutually agreed on by both parties for a tuition fee of not more than $20 per course and on the employee's own time. Copyright: Work commissioned by the employer or produced pursuant to the employ- ee's normal administrative or professional duties will remain the property of the employer. Other works produced by the employee will remain the property of the employee. Pregnancy leave: 17 unpaid weeks. Parental leave: 35 weeks for employees who previously took pregnancy leave. 37 weeks for all other employees. MANUFACTURING (FOOD) freshwater fish marketing corp. winnipeg (5 operating engineers) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Local 50136 renewal agreement: Effec- tive May 1, 2014, to April 1, 2017. Signed on Oct. 1, 2014. wage adjustments: Effective May 1, 2015: 2% Effective May 1, 2016: 2% shift premium: $2.25 per hour for all hours worked on a weekend, effective May 1, 2014. Paid holidays: 12 days. Time and one-half for the first 8 hours worked on a named hol- iday, double time for all hours worked after that. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks to start, 3 weeks after 2 years, 4 weeks after 9 years, 5 weeks after 14 years, 6 weeks after 21 years. Payment in lieu of vaca- tion is permitted for up to 2 weeks of vacation per year. overtime: Time and one-half for all hours worked in excess of 8 per day. Time and one- half for all hours worked on a scheduled day of rest, double time for all hours worked on a second designated day of rest. meal allowance: $8 or a hot meal for employees working at least 2 hours of overtime Monday to Friday. $8 for any amount of time worked on a Saturday or Sunday. dental: 100% coverage for routine services, 50% cover- age for major services, up to $1,100 per person per year. Vision: $400 every 2 years. sick leave: 1.25 days earned per month, up to 100 days. Ltd: 60% of gross earnings per month. Life insurance: $20,000. $50,000 for employees with more than 6 years of service. Pension: Plan as outlined in the Public Service Superan- nuation Act. No other details available. Bereavement leave: 4 days for a death in the employee's im- mediate family, including fa- ther, mother, stepfather, step- mother, brother, sister, spouse, child or ward, common-law spouse, child of common-law spouse, spouse, grandchild, grandparents, mother-in-law and father-in-law. 1 additional day for a spouse or child. seniority – recall rights: 10 months. call-in pay: Minimum 4 hours' pay at time and one- half. discipline: Sunset clause is 1 year, given that no further in- fractions have occurred. severance: 1 week's pay or 2 days' pay at regular rate for each year of service, whichever is greater. safety shoes: Up to $500 will be reimbursed per year for employees to purchase safety boots and necessary tools. uniforms/clothing: Cover- alls, shirts, slacks and parkas provided to employees. Em- ployer responsible for supply- ing, cleaning and maintaining all required uniforms. sample rates of pay, current: 3rd class engineer: $36.26 per hour 2nd class engineer: $37.05 Relief engineer: $35.36 Relief engineer, acting chief: $37.66 editor's notes: PSAC social justice fund: 1¢ per hour per employee contributed to the union's social justice fund. LONG-TERM CARE e Beechwood (revera retirement) mississauga, ont. (80 employees) and the Health Care and Service Workers Union, Local 304. Affiliated with the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) renewal agreement: Effec- tive Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 31, 2015. Ratified on Sept. 2, 2014. Signed on Feb. 4, 2015. wage adjustments: Effective July 1, 2013: 1% Effective Jan. 1, 2014: 1% Effective July 1, 2014: 1% Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 1% Effective July 1, 2015: 1% Paid holidays: 10 days, plus 1 floater available to full-time employees after 6 months of service. Time and one-half for all hours worked on a named holiday. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks to start, 3 weeks after 3 years, 4 weeks after 8 years, 5 weeks after 15 years. overtime: Time and one-half for all hours worked in excess of 8 per day. meal allowance: Meal provid- ed when an employee works at least 3 hours beyond regular shift. Vision: $100 every 2 years. sick leave: 22.5 sick credits. Additional credits shall ac- cumulate after 6 months at 7.5 hours per every 140 hours worked, to a maximum of 90 hours per year. Ad&d: $20,000. Pension: 4% matching con- tributions to be made each by employee and employer. Bereavement leave: 5 days for the death of an employee's

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