Canadian Labour Reporter


Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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6 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2015 April 20, 2015 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS at safety meetings and on drug tests. Cellphones: Provided for drivers of working slurry tractors. MUNICIPALITY e Town of Creston Creston, B.C. (25 public works and inside workers) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 2092. Renewal agreement: Effective March 1, 2012, to Feb. 29, 2016. Wage adjustments: Effective March 1, 2012: 1.45% Effective March 1, 2013: 1.6% Effective March 1, 2014: 1.75% Effective March 1, 2015: 2% Shift premium: 7-hour shift for manual employees, paid for 8 hours at regular rate. 6-hour shift for office employees, paid for 7 at regular rate. 60 cents per hour in addition to regular rate for weekend shifts. Vacations with pay: 15 days after 1 year, 16 days after 2 years, 17 days after 3 years, 18 days af- ter 4 years, 19 days after 5 years. 1 additional day per year up until 31 days for 17-plus years. Overtime: Time and one-half for first 3 hours, double time for additional hours. Meal allowance: $15. Dental: 100%. Maximum $2,500 for orthodontics. Vision: $375 for 2012-2013, $400 for 2014-2015, every 2 years. Carried over for a maximum of $1,000 per person. $1,000 for laser eye surgery. Weekly indemnity: 70% up to $1,000 per week. Sick leave: 6 days per year. LTD: 60% up to $3,500. AD&D: $100,000. Life insurance: $100,000. Bereavement leave: 3 days with pay, additional 2 days without pay. Seniority – recall rights: 12 months. Call-in pay: Double regular rate. Probationary period: 132 days. Safety shoes: 50% of steel-toed boots, maximum of 2 pairs per year. Uniforms/clothing: 50% for prescription safety glasses up to $300 every 2 years. Protective gloves, eyewear, leather aprons, hip waders, hard hats, cover- alls and hearing and breathing equipment provided. Tool allowance: $500 per year for mechanics for use of per- sonal tools. Sample rates of pay, current: Labourer: $26.23 per hour Dog catcher: $27.58 Carpenter: $29.49 Public works foreman: $35.39 Bylaw enforcement officer I: $26.58 Administrative assistant and records clerk: $29.74 Meterman III: $27.68 Engineering technician I: $22.88 Engineering technician III: $30.12 Building inspector: $34.19 Sewage treatment plant opera- tor I: $28.45 Sewage treatment plant chief operator: $37.17 Editor's notes: Standby pay: 2 hours paid for at regular rate for weekdays, 4 hours at regular rate for weekends and holi- days. Tool premium: $1 per hour to mechanics. LONG-TERM CARE Revera Edgemont Retirement Residence Calgary (45 employees) and the Alberta Union of Public Employees (AUPE) Local 048. Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2013, to Dec. 31, 2015. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2014: 4.5% Effective Jan. 1, 2015: 3% Shift premium: $1.75 per hour for evening shifts between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. $2.25 per hour for night shifts between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. $1.75 per hour for weekend work between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., $2.75 for weekend work between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. $3.75 per hour for weekend work between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Paid holidays: 11 days. Effec- tive Jan. 1, 2014, Boxing Day included. Time and one-half for all hours worked on a named holiday. Vacations with pay: 2 weeks to start, 3 weeks after 5 years, 4 weeks after 8 years. Overtime: Time and one-half for first 2 hours worked after 7.5 in a day, double time for all hours worked in excess of that. Meal allowance: 1 30-minute unpaid meal break every 5 hours. Time and one-half if em- ployee is recalled to work during that break. Medical benefits: 80% coverage for medication and supplies pre- scribed by a physician or dentist. Up to $250 per year for each chiropractor, osteopath, naturo- path, podiatrist, physiotherapist, massage therapist, speech thera- pist and psychologist. Dental: 100% coverage for basic services (check-ups, fillings, X-rays, oral surgery, endodon- tics, periodontics and denture repairs). Sick leave: 12 days per year. AD&D: $30,000, coverage ends when employee reaches 65. Life insurance: $30,000, cov- erage ends when employee reaches 65. Bereavement leave: 3 days for immediate family. That includes spouse (common-law and same- sex), fiancé, child, parent, step- parent, siblings, step-siblings, parents-in-law, siblings-in-law, stepchildren, grandparents and grandchildren. 2 additional days if travel for the funeral is required. 1 day for death of an- other relative or close friend. Seniority – recall rights: 1 year. Probationary period: 2 months. Discipline: Sunset clause is 2 years. Severance: In lieu of notice, 1 week's pay per year of service, up to 8 years. Uniforms/clothing: Employer to provide and launder all tunics, vests, jackets, aprons and ties. Sample rates of pay, current: Health-care aide: $17.08 per hour, rising in 8 steps to $21.62 Licensed practical nurse: $23.94, rising in 9 steps to $28.29 Cook: $18.42, rising in 1 step to $18.88 Dietary aide: $12.79, rising in 1 step to $13.11 Housekeeping aide: $13.85, ris- ing in 1 step to $14.54 Dining room supervisor: $16.12, rising in 1 step to $16.52 Activity aide/Bus driver: $14.49, rising in 1 step to $14.85 Receptionist: $12.69, rising in 1 step to $13.01 Editor's notes: Shift schedules: At least 8 hours off-duty between shifts, no more than 6 consecutive days scheduled off work, 2 consecutive days of rest, no split shifts and no shift shall be less than 4 hours. Compassionate care leave: Up to 6 weeks off without pay if immediate family member is at risk of dying within 6 months.

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