Labour Reporter
May 4, 2015
see Collective agreements > pg. 3
Facts and figures pg. 8
Royal Ready Mix — Ontario pg. 3 The Wexford Residence — Ontario pg.
3 Grande Yellowhead Public School — Alberta pg. 4 Lecours Lumber
— Ontario pg. 5 Fredericton International Airport Authority — New
Brunswick pg. 5
Labour Arbitration Skills, May 24-28: Kingston
Labour Relations Foundations, S eptember 20-25, 2015: Kingston
i r c . q u e e n s u . c a
Learning the Advocate's Art & Science of Building & Presenting Winning Arbitration Cases
Laying the Groundwork for Excellence in Union-Management Relations
pg. 2
CUPE opposes privatization of Hydro One
Union investing $500,000 in public awareness campaign
By Liz Foster
THE Canadian UniOn of Public Em-
ployees (CUPE) is fighting to prevent the par-
tial privatization of Hydro One in Ontario.
Premier Kathleen Wynne recently an-
nounced 60 per cent of the electricity utility
will be sold in part to fund the government's
transit infrastructure plan. The plan — out-
lined in the provincial budget — will be a
$130-billion push, spanning 10 years.
CUPE, however, said the privatization runs
afoul of the Electricity Act. Labour law firm
Sack Goldblatt Mitchell prepared a legal opin-
ion report for the union and found "substantial
grounds for challenging, as unlawful, a deci-
sion to privatize Hydro One for the purpose
of 'freeing-up' funds to invest in transit and
transportation infrastructure."
"You can't sell one piece of infrastructure
to build another in the way the law is currently
written," said CUPE Ontario president Fred
Seniority reigns supreme
at B.C. retail store
an OUTdOOr retail store in
British Columbia violated its ob-
ligation to one of its employees
when it promoted another, less
senior worker over the grievor, an
arbitrator has decided.
Tony Xu, represented by the
Retail Wholesale Union, local 580,
filed a grievance against Mountain
Equipment Co-operative (MEC)
when he was passed over for a lead
hand promotion — a job that Xu,
as a senior employee, was entitled
to be duly considered for.
Tembec industries (Forest
resource Management)
Opastika, Ont.
(15 truck drivers) and the United Steelworkers (USW) Local 2995
renewal agreement: Effec-
tive Sept. 1, 2011, to Aug. 31,
2016. Ratified on Nov. 29, 2013.
Signed on Nov. 29, 2013.
Wage adjustments:
Effective date of ratification:
The Canadian Union of Public Employees is fighting against the sell-off of Hydro One, arguing
the partial privatization of the electricity utility will lead to higher prices and declining service.
Jobs report not so rosy
On the heels of the latest
jobs data, Unifor takes a
hard look at
the numbers.
see Arbitration > pg. 6
see IPO > pg. 7