Labour Reporter
June 1, 2015
see Collective agreements > pg. 3
School catches custodian smoking marijuana on campus pg. 8
North Peace Airport Services — British Columbia pg. 3 Sodexo —
Alberta pg. 4 Access Communications — Saskatchewan pg. 4
The Banff Centre — Alberta pg. 5 City of Cornwall — Ontario pg. 5
Port of Prescott — Ontario pg. 6
Labour Relations Foundations, S eptember 20-25, 2015: Kingston
i r c . q u e e n s u . c a
Laying the Groundwork for Excellence in Union-Management Relations
Change Management, S eptember 29 - Oc tober 1, 2015: O ttawa
Driving & Building Support for Successful Change Projects Using a Time-Tested Framework
pg. 2
Student group decries union constitution
CUPE's code of conduct should address sexual violence, group charges
By Liz Foster
Silence iS Violence, a group of stu-
dents and teaching staff at York University in
Toronto, is calling on the Canadian Union of
Public Employees (CUPE) to do more to pre-
vent and address sexual violence among mem-
The group formed in March, several
months after York PhD student and teaching
assistant Mandi Gray alleged she was sexually
assaulted by an executive member of CUPE's
local 3903 chapter at an off-campus union-
related event.
At the time of the alleged incident, local
3903, which represents the school's TAs and
other staff, was involved in labour action.
Gray said she discovered an institutional
failure to meet the needs of survivors at both
the university and the union.
"CUPE has done an excellent job of
addressing issues of harassment and
employee dismissed
after bottles of urine found
MARio coUTURe was fired by
Iron Ore Company on July 9, 2014,
following several infractions.
First, the Newfoundland-based
tool room worker was found to
be in breach of the company's re-
quirement to wear personal pro-
tection equipment. Next, he was
belligerent towards his supervi-
sor, threatening him about the
safety complaint. Following his
outburst, Couture was suspended.
Finally, Couture was found
to have been urinating in plastic
coral Harbour
Housing Authority
coral Harbour, nunavut
(10 administrative and program services staff ) and the Public Service Alliance
of Canada (PSAC), as represented by the Nunavut Employees Union (NEU)
Renewal agreement: Effective
April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2017.
Signed on April 26, 2015.
Fast food fight
Workers rally at McDonald's
in the hopes of certification
and upping
see Arbitration > pg. 8
see CUPE > pg. 7
Silence is Violence, a group of students and teachers at York University represented by CUPE
3903, is calling for changes to the union's code of conduct to include explicit reference to
sexual violence following an alleged sexual assault at an off-campus union-related event.