Labour Reporter
July 13, 2015
see Collective agreements > pg. 3
Employer challenges WSIB benefits pg. 8
Montreal Airports pg. 3 Jack Cooper Transport Canada pg. 3 Lafarge
Canada (Brechin Aggregates) pg. 4 Lafarge Canada (Coldwater Quarry
operation) pg. 4 Roberta Place pg. 4 Livingstone Range School
Division pg. 5 Autobus Fleur de Lys pg. 5
Labour Relations Foundations, S eptember 20-25, 2015: Kingston
i r c . q u e e n s u . c a
Laying the Groundwork for Excellence in Union-Management Relations
Change Management, S eptember 29 - Oc tober 1, 2015: O ttawa
Driving & Building Support for Successful Change Projects Using a Time-Tested Framework
pg. 2
Alberta bans political contributions
Unions, corporations no longer permitted to donate to political groups
By Liz Foster
AlbertA's new nDP government banned
corporate and union contributions to politi-
cal parties with its first bill.
Bill 1, An Act to Renew Democracy in Al-
berta, received royal assent on June 29. The
legislation will ban contributions retroactive-
ly to June 15.
As a result, only individual residents will be
permitted to contribute to a candidate, con-
stituency association, political party or lead-
ership contestant. Individual contributions
are limited to $15,000 per year.
The legislation sees Alberta joining Mani-
toba, Quebec, Nova Scotia and the federal
government in banning corporate and union
"It puts the power back in the hands of citi-
zens," said Alberta's Justice Minister Kathleen
"If your winning the election is dependent
employee in hot water
after handling hot product
A serious safety violation led
to Jeff Stevenson's dismissal.
At the time of the incident,
Stevenson was working at Invista
Canada's nylon manufacturing
plant in Kingston, Ont. The pro-
duction of nylon is inherently
dangerous, resulting in product
that reaches temperatures as high
as 290 degrees Celsius. For this
reason, employees use tools — re-
ferred to as "rakes" — whenever it
is necessary to handle the molten
Camionnage C.P.
bai-d'urfé, Que.
(51 truck drivers) and the Fédération des Employées
et Employés de Services Publics
renewal agreement: Effective
Feb. 5, 2015, to June 2, 2017.
Signed on Feb. 5, 2015.
wage adjustments:
Effective June 1, 2015: 30¢
Effective June 1, 2016: 35¢
Effective June 1, 2017: 40¢
Paid holidays: 12 days.
loblaws strike postponed
The deadline to strike has been
extended for workers at Loblaws
grocery stores in
see Arbitration > pg. 6
see Bill > pg. 7
Alberta's new NDP government — led by Premier Rachel Notley — banned corporate and union contri-
butions to political parties with its first bill. Individual contributions are limited to $15,000 per year.