Canadian Labour Reporter

August 17, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian August 17, 2015 ARBITRATION AWARDS see Collective agreements > pg. 3 Seasonal worker did not have seniority rights pg. 8 Cameron Canada pg. 3 Olav Haavaldsrud Timber pg. 3 Mykon Electric pg. 4 Golderado Contracting pg. 4 IDL Installations pg. 5 Unimin Canada pg. 5 Essex Region Conservation Authority pg. 5 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Photo: Mike Blake (Reuters) Labour Relations Foundations, S eptember 20-25, 2015: Kingston i r c . q u e e n s u . c a Laying the Groundwork for Excellence in Union-Management Relations Change Management, S eptember 29 - Oc tober 1, 2015: O ttawa Driving & Building Support for Successful Change Projects Using a Time-Tested Framework pg. 2 WestJet pilots reject union But almost 3,000 flight attendants are attempting certification BY SABRINA NANJI A GROUP VYING to represent WestJet pi- lots will not achieve lift-off after a narrow vote rejected what would have been the airline's first union. The two-week voting period came to an end on Aug. 5, resulting in a 55 per cent vote against unionization. Of the 1,247 pilots who cast ballots, 561 voted in favour and 684 voted against certification, with two spoiled ballots. The WestJet Professional Pilots Association (WPPA) said it was disappointed with the re- sults in a statement on its Facebook page: "While naturally disappointed with this re- sult, we hope the open discussions that have taken place as part of this process will set the stage for constructive dialogue between our pilots and WestJet leadership going forward." This is not the first time pilots at the Cal- gary-based airline have flirted with the idea of unionization, but it is certainly the closest they Conductor reinstated with demerit points A TRAIN conductor who was initially fired for violating report- ing rules was reinstated by an ar- bitrator, but without any back pay and with the disciplinary record. Guy Normandeau, a locomo- tive engineer with 30 years of ex- perience, grieved his termination from the St. Lawrence and Atlan- tic Railroad where he had worked as a conductor in the Quebec area up until he was discharged CONSTRUCTION Dependable Mechanical Systems Concord, Ont. (3 employees) and the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC), Construction Workers Local 52 Renewal agreement: Effective July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2018. Ratified on July 7, 2015. Signed on Aug. 5, 2015. First agree- July unemployment unchanged The economy added 6,600 jobs last month, says the latest jobs re- port from Statistics Canada. see Arbitration > pg. 8 see Expansion > pg. 7 ARBITRATION AWARDS Two years after organization efforts began, pilots at WestJet rejected a bid for certification, putting an end to what would have been the airline's first union.

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