Canadian Labour Reporter

October 26, 2015

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian October 26, 2015 ARBITRATION AWARDS see Collective agreements > pg. 3 Employee terminated after aggravating workplace injury pg. 8 Government of New Brunswick pg. 3 National Grocers pg. 4 City of Lloydminster pg. 4 Government of New Brunscwick pg. 5 The Town of Creston pg. 5 City of Calgary pg. 6 JBS Food pg. 6 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Photo: Chris Wattie (Reuters) Labour Relations Foundations, November 23-27, 2015: Vic toria Laying the Groundwork for Excellence in Union-Management Relations Mastering Fac t-Finding and Investigation, December 1-4, 2015: Vic toria Building Internal Capacity to Effectively Deal with Workplace Complaints i r c . q u e e n s u . c a pg. 2 U.S. Steel Canada to be severed from parent company Steelmaker to cease pension, benefit payments as part of transition BY LIZ FOSTER THE ONTARIO SUPERIOR Court re- cently approved a plan for U.S. Steel Canada (USSC) to be severed from its parent compa- ny U.S. Steel. The Oct. 9 ruling in USSC's bankruptcy protection proceedings allows the company to stop contributing to pension payments, health benefits and prescription drug cover- age for pensioners. More than 20,000 former USSC employees will be affected. The company, currently restructuring un- der the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, argued that avoiding those payments is necessary to allow it to succeed as it emerges as an independent entity. Additionally, the court-sanctioned plan al- lows USSC to stop paying municipal taxes to the City of Hamilton and Haldimand County. The decision from Superior Court Justice Herman Wilton-Siegel is less a ruling against retirees and more a ruling for the industry as No relief employees allowed on night shift HIRING PRIVATE security workers to provide relief on night shifts went against the collective agreement between employees at the North Bay Regional Health Centre in Ontario, an arbitrator has decided. The Canadian Union of Public Employees union filed a policy grievance against the hospital af- ter it decided to use security op- erators — employees of Russell Security Services — to provide re- lief coverage for workers operat- HEALTH CARE Hôpital Montfort Ottawa (120 offi ce employees) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 4721 Renewal agreement: Effective Sept. 30, 2013, to Sept. 29, 2017. Signed on Jan. 9, 2015. Wage adjustments: Effective Sept. 30, 2013: 0.7% Effective Sept. 30, 2014: 0.7% Effective Sept. 30, 2015: 0.7% Effective Sept. 30, 2016: 0.7% USSC will be severed from parent company U.S. Steel after an Ontario Superior Court ruling. Safety threat Conditions at Toronto South Detention and Waypoint Centres deteriorat- ing, OPSEU says see Arbitration > pg. 8 see Industry > pg. 7 ARBITRATION AWARDS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS

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