Canadian Labour Reporter

January 18, 2016

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian City failed to accommodate after worker suffers seizure ROB BOSSENCE, a water and wastewater operator with the city of Chatham-Kent in Ontario, won a grievance against his employer after an arbitrator found it failed to accommodate his disability. Bossence, who had worked in Chatham-Kent for 29 years, had a seizure at work in the summer of 2014. He returned after a short break and performed all of his regular duties with the exception of driving and occasional snow plowing in the winter. Potato chip workers fight for first collective agreement Employer says 'screw you' to union representative BY LIZ FOSTER LABOUR RELATIONS at Cov- ered Bridge Potato Chip have be- come saltier than the business's kettle-cooked chips. About one-half of the 32 em- ployees represented by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1288P are on strike to back demands for the union's first collective agreement with the employer. Production at the Hart- land, N.B.-based factory contin- ues as employees have crossed the picket line. The local first certified at Cov- ered Bridge in 2013 and bargaining began in 2014. The main issues in dispute include pay and seniority relating to scheduling, layoffs and call-backs. "We were just looking for some fairness and a living wage," said Carl Flanagan, national representative for UFCW Local 1288P. "People January 18, 2016 ARBITRATION AWARDS see Collective agreements > pg. 3 Paramedic fired for absenteeism, again pg. 8 Grand Manor — Alberta pg. 3 Nova Scotia Construction Labour Relations Association — Nova Scotia pg. 4 Beverly Care Centre — Alberta pg. 4 Nova Scotia Construction Labour Relations Association — Nova Scotia pg. 5 AgeCare Investments — Alberta pg. 5 Gate Gourmet — Alberta pg. 6 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Photo: courtesy of UFCW pg. 2 Ontario correctional staff sign contract Deal removes right to strike, sends labour disputes to arbitrator ARBITRATION AWARDS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS see UFCW > pg. 7 see Arbitration > pg 8 HEALTH CARE St. Patrick's Home of Ottawa Ottawa (360 health service employees) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 2437 Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 1, 2015, to Dec. 31, 2016. Signed on Jan. 1, 2015. Wage adjustments: Effective Jan. 1, 2016: 1.3% Calculated by CLR. Shift premium: $2.50 per hour for employees temporarily as- In addition to picketing New Brunswick's Covered Bridge Potato Chip, UFCW members are asking locals to boycott the company.

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