Canadian HR Reporter

February 22, 2016

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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CANADIAN HR REPORTER February 22, 2016 4 HR BY THE NUMBERS 19.56 58 per cent Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) 7.2% Canada's unemployment rate in January. 0.7% Increase in employment in the 12 months to January. 24,000 Decrease in the number of people working aged 55 and older, the first decline since 2008. 5.6% Employment rate for women aged 25 to 54. 6.7% Employment rate for men aged 25 to 54. 10,000 Decrease in employment in Alberta, bringing year- over-year declines to 35,000. 7.4% Unemployment rate in Alberta in January, higher than the national rate for the first time since 1988. 20,000 Employment growth in Ontario, the only province with employment growth. 13,000 Declines in the natural resources industry in January, driven by losses in Alberta. 1.7% Increase in the number of public sector employees. Compiled by Liz Bernier - Source: Statistics Canada Credit: Mariia Golovianko (Shutterstock) Credit: ostill (Shutterstock) Light 'er up Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just over one-half, or 53 per cent permit smoking at work, according to a survey of 375 HR professionals. However, areas and 30 per cent limit the number of smoke breaks employees can take per day. 44% of organizations have a policy that addresses vaping included in the overall smoking policy. 53% are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy but 41% say it depends on the situation. 54% provide wellness information on the benefi ts of a smoke-free lifestyle. 18% impose smoking surcharges (such as a higher health-care premium for smokers). Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Hourly salary of a cook at Aurora Resthaven in Aurora, Ont. at works out to an annual salary of $40,684, assuming a 40-hour work week. at wage rises after three years to $20.90 per hour or $43,472 annually. Employees are also entitled to overtime of time and one-half for all hours worked in excess of eight hours per day. Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Credit: Ivan Ryabokon (Shutterstock) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Credit: Mariia Golovianko (Shutterstock) Credit: Mariia Golovianko (Shutterstock) Credit: Mariia Golovianko (Shutterstock) Recruiters hit the dislike button More than one-third, or 36 per cent, of recruiters have disqualifi ed a job candidate based on a social media post, according to a U.S. survey of 410 HR professionals. However, They earn what? They earn what? candidate an opportunity to explain the concerning information. Twenty-seven per cent of recruiters have disqualifi ed someone because of information found on a public social networking page, while 23 per cent have done so based on information found via an online search engine. Credit: Valentyn Volkov (Shutterstock) Caffeinated While convenient, coff ee shops might not be the best place to work, according to a global survey of 44,000 respondents, including 1,869 Canadians. Workers can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of 20 minutes 57% agree coff ee shops are fi ne for checking email — but not responding to email. 46% of professionals will check emails while commuting on public transit. 44% feel the car is considered an acceptable location to make business phone calls. 3 in 10 are happy to carry out core work tasks in business lounges. Source: Regus CANADIAN HR REPORTER HR BY THE NUMBERS 7.2% Canada's unemployment rate in January. 0.7% Increase in employment in the 12 months to January. 24,000 Decrease in the number of people working aged 55 and older, the first decline since 2008. 5.6% Employment rate for Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Light 'er up Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few Social attitudes around smoking may have shifted dramatically over the past few decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just decades, but cigarettes are still a common sight in many American workplaces. Just over over over over one-half one-half one-half one-half one-half one-half one-half one-half, or , or , or , or one-half, or one-half one-half, or one-half 53 per cent 53 per cent 53 per cent 53 per cent 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, 375 HR professionals. However, areas and areas and areas and areas and areas and areas and areas and 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 30 per cent 44% 44% 44% 44% of organizations have a policy that addresses vaping included in the overall of organizations have a policy that addresses vaping included in the overall of organizations have a policy that addresses vaping included in the overall of organizations have a policy that addresses vaping included in the overall of organizations have a policy that addresses vaping included in the overall of organizations have a policy that addresses vaping included in the overall smoking policy. smoking policy. smoking policy. smoking policy. smoking policy. smoking policy. smoking policy. smoking policy. smoking policy. 53% 53% 53% 53% are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy but but but 41% 41% 41% 41% are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy 41% are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy 41% are taking disciplinary actions against employees who violate the smoking policy say it depends on the situation. say it depends on the situation. say it depends on the situation. say it depends on the situation. say it depends on the situation. 54% 54% 54% 54% provide wellness information on the benefi ts of a smoke-free lifestyle. provide wellness information on the benefi ts of a smoke-free lifestyle. provide wellness information on the benefi ts of a smoke-free lifestyle. provide wellness information on the benefi ts of a smoke-free lifestyle. provide wellness information on the benefi ts of a smoke-free lifestyle. provide wellness information on the benefi ts of a smoke-free lifestyle. 18% 18% 18% 18% impose smoking surcharges (such as a higher health-care premium for smokers). impose smoking surcharges (such as a higher health-care premium for smokers). impose smoking surcharges (such as a higher health-care premium for smokers). impose smoking surcharges (such as a higher health-care premium for smokers). impose smoking surcharges (such as a higher health-care premium for smokers). impose smoking surcharges (such as a higher health-care premium for smokers). impose smoking surcharges (such as a higher health-care premium for smokers). Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) have designated smoking 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 19.56 women aged 25 to 54. 6.7% Employment rate for men aged 25 to 54. 10,000 Decrease in employment Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Credit: Ivan Ryabokon (Shutterstock) Credit: Ivan Ryabokon (Shutterstock) Credit: Ivan Ryabokon (Shutterstock) Credit: Ivan Ryabokon (Shutterstock) Recruiters Recruiters Recruiters Recruiters Recruiters Recruiters Recruiters Recruiters hit the dislike button hit the dislike button hit the dislike button hit the dislike button hit the dislike button More than More than More than More than recruiters have disqualifi ed a job candidate recruiters have disqualifi ed a job candidate recruiters have disqualifi ed a job candidate recruiters have disqualifi ed a job candidate based on a social media post, according to a U.S. based on a social media post, according to a U.S. based on a social media post, according to a U.S. based on a social media post, according to a U.S. survey of 410 HR professionals. However, survey of 410 HR professionals. However, survey of 410 HR professionals. However, candidate an opportunity to explain the candidate an opportunity to explain the candidate an opportunity to explain the candidate an opportunity to explain the candidate an opportunity to explain the candidate an opportunity to explain the candidate an opportunity to explain the concerning information. concerning information. concerning information. concerning information. concerning information. concerning information. concerning information. 5.6% Employment rate for Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) organizations off ered the Caffeinated Caffeinated Caffeinated Caffeinated Caffeinated Caffeinated While convenient, coff ee shops While convenient, coff ee shops including 1,869 Canadians. Workers including 1,869 Canadians. Workers including 1,869 Canadians. Workers including 1,869 Canadians. Workers including 1,869 Canadians. Workers can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of can only work in a coff ee shop for a maximum of conference calls found the survey. $ 199 million at's the amount in restricted stock Google CEO Sundar Pichai received, according to a regulatory fi ling by Google parent company Alphabet. Pichai took over in August and received a grant of 273,328 class C Google stock units on Feb. 3. e valuation is based on the stock's closing price on that date. Source: Reuters Credit: Adnan Abidi (Reuters)

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