Canadian HR Reporter

April 18, 2016

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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CANADIAN HR REPORTER April 18, 2016 4 HR BY THE NUMBERS translation $953 Average weekly earnings of non-farm payroll employees in January, down 0.7 per cent from the previous month. 2.3% Year-over-year growth in average weekly earnings in Quebec, the province with the highest growth. 0.4% Year-over-year growth in average weekly earnings in Manitoba, the province with the weakest growth. 4.3% Decline in average weekly earnings in Alberta compared to January 2015, the largest year-over-year decline for the province since comparable data in 2001. 10,200 Decline in the number of non-farm payroll jobs in January, following an increase of 41,700 in December. 136,100 Compared with 12 months earlier, the rise in the number of non-farm payroll employees. 2.6% Increase in the number of payroll jobs in health care and social assistance, and accommodation and food services — the sectors seeing the biggest gains. 13.2% Decline in the number payroll jobs in mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction, on a year- over-year basis. Compiled by Liz Bernier - Source: Statistics Canada excellent: 9% good: 35% neutral: 46% poor: 9% woes 19.34 what Hourly wage of a sales professional at hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, Que. at works out to an annual salary of $40,227, assuming a 40-hour work week. ere is also a shift premium of $2.50 per hour for all time worked during the night shift. Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Credit: lithian (Shutterstock) CANADIAN HR REPORTER HR BY THE NUMBERS $953 Average weekly earnings of non-farm payroll employees in January, down 0.7 per cent from the previous month. 2.3% Year-over-year growth in average weekly earnings in Quebec, the province with the highest growth. 0.4% woes woes woes woes woes woes woes woes Credit: lithian (Shutterstock) Credit: lithian (Shutterstock) Credit: lithian (Shutterstock) Credit: lithian (Shutterstock) Credit: lithian (Shutterstock) Credit: lithian (Shutterstock) Credit: lithian (Shutterstock) For many employees, money worries aren't restricted to their off -time — fi nancial woes can seep into their working hours as well. Almost or 42 per cent, of working Canadians have felt distracted one-half at work because they were worrying about money, according to a survey of 2,004 people. of Canadians say they have a low level of fi nancial wellness/confi dence. say they worry about fi nances often or sometimes. of those with low fi nancial wellness worry about fi nances often or sometimes. 45% 70% 85% Source: Manulife Credit: ArtFamily (Shutterstock) Credit: Onur Kocamaz (Shutterstock) translation translation translation translation translation translation translation 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 Hourly wage of a sales professional at Hourly wage of a sales professional at Hourly wage of a sales professional at Hourly wage of a sales professional at Hourly wage of a sales professional at Hourly wage of a sales professional at Hourly wage of a sales professional at Hourly wage of a sales professional at Hourly wage of a sales professional at hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, hardware store Rona in Pointe-Clair, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, worrying about money, according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of according to a survey of 2,004 people. 2,004 people. 2,004 people. 2,004 people. 2,004 people. 2,004 people. 2,004 people. 2,004 people. 2,004 people. fi nancial wellness/confi dence. fi nancial wellness/confi dence. fi nancial wellness/confi dence. fi nancial wellness/confi dence. fi nancial wellness/confi dence. say they worry about fi nances often or say they worry about fi nances often or say they worry about fi nances often or say they worry about fi nances often or say they worry about fi nances often or say they worry about fi nances often or sometimes. sometimes. sometimes. sometimes. sometimes. of those with low fi nancial wellness worry of those with low fi nancial wellness worry of those with low fi nancial wellness worry of those with low fi nancial wellness worry of those with low fi nancial wellness worry of those with low fi nancial wellness worry about fi nances often or sometimes. about fi nances often or sometimes. about fi nances often or sometimes. about fi nances often or sometimes. about fi nances often or sometimes. about fi nances often or sometimes. 70% 70% 70% 70% 85% 85% 85% 85% They earn Credit: Onur Kocamaz (Shutterstock) Lost Sure, HR has plenty of challenges, but what's the big- gest one? Communication. Communicating HR initia- tives companywide is the most signifi cant challenge for survey of nearly 300 American organizations. of organizations, according to a 79.3% of organizations rely on emails from leadership most for communication. 76% rely on all-company meetings. 75.3% rely on manager and worker one-on-ones. 13% of employees receive monthly or quarterly progress updates. Employees whose managers follow up with them after an employee engagement survey are 12 times more likely to be engaged the following year. Source: Quantum Workplace Exit strategy Departing employees may have a lot to say — both good and bad — but how often do employers actually act on information from exit interviews? More than one-half or 54 per cent of HR managers said their organization acts on the in- formation frequently, according to a Canadian survey of more than 200 HR managers. Credit: Tond Van Graphcraft (Shutterstock) 46% discuss feedback regarding management. 20% make changes to the work environment or corporate culture. 14% update job descriptions. 10% review employee salaries. 8% review employee benefi ts. What actions does HR take? Source: OfficeTeam Productivity crash How good is your company tech infrastructure? Source: Robert Half Technology Wealth in translation translation translation translation translation translation translation in in translation translation translation translation On average, employees lose two full weeks or per day of productivity each year due to IT-related issues, according to a survey of 300 Canadian work- ers. Despite this, nearly one-half of employees still rate their organization's IT infrastructure as "good" or "excellent."

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