Canadian Labour Reporter

May 2, 2016

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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PM #40065782 Labour Reporter Canadian City's alcohol testing rule leaves little room for flexibility Last-chance agreement required worker to take test whenever requested by employer: Arbitrator BY JEFFREY R. SMITH AN ONTARIO employee breached his last-chance agreement by refusing to take an alcohol test until he had a union representative present, an arbitrator has ruled. Scott Heath was an employee of the City of Corn- wall, Ont., for 29 years. On Oct. 29, 2013, Heath's em- ployment became contingent on a memorandum of agreement that was the result of alcohol-related mis- conduct, including being impaired at work and oper- ating a vehicle while impaired. May 2, 2016 ARBITRATION AWARDS Correctional officer suspended after inmate incident pg. 8 British Columbia Automobile Association Service Centres — B.C. pg. 3 Dalhousie University — N.S. pg. 4 Envoy Air — Multiprovince pg. 5 Belvedere Seniors Living (Belvedere Care Centre) — B.C. pg. 5 Greater London International Airport Authority — Ont. pg. 6 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Photo: stocktributor (Shutterstock) pg. 2 CUPE requests 'No Board' report Union calling for report in negotiations with Toronto Public Library ARBITRATION AWARDS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS see Employee > pg. 7 Premium weekend pay depends on definition of 'request' SANDRA MORGAN — a reg- istered nurse working at the Wil- liam Osler Health System's site in Etobicoke, Ont.— was denied pre- mium pay after working consecu- tive weekends. According to the employer, Mor- gan had requested the weekend work and was, therefore, not enti- tled to the premium. Morgan's union — the Ontario Nurses' Association — filed a griev- ance on her behalf. The employer used KRONOS, a TRANSPORTATION Canada Cartage Provincewide, British Columbia (160 owner-operators) and Teamsters Canada Renewal agreement: Effective Sept. 9, 2014, to July 18, 2018. Signed on July 30, 2015. Wage adjustments: $1,000 upon ratification Vacations with pay: 2 weeks to start, 3 weeks after 5 years, 4 weeks after 11 years. All vaca- tion leave is unpaid. Medical benefits: Teamsters' An employee's request to wait for a union representative to be present before taking an alcohol test was in breach of his last-chance agreement. see Collective agreements > pg. 3 see Arbitration > pg 8

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