Canadian HR Reporter

November 14, 2016

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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14 @ExpressRxCanada Express Scripts Canada ✓ Mentored internationally trained HR professionals ✓ Transitioned sub-contracted employees to full-time ✓ Introduced an organizational assessment review ✓ Increased organization effectiveness ✓ Published article in Canadian Treasurer magazine ✓ Published Raising Health blog in support of International Women's Day ✓ Enhanced ESC's office culture ✓ Strengthened workplace diversity ✓ Improved employee engagement ✓ Introduced a Work at Home pilot program ✓ Directed a successful employee engagement survey ✓ Improved accommodation for individuals with disabilities ✓ Developed top talent Express Scripts Canada (ESC) congratulates Anthea Gomez on being named as one of Canadian HR Reporter's Top 25 HR Professionals in 2016. You can accomplish a lot in only 12 months Debby Carreau Inspired HR Calgary's Debby Carreau founded Inspired HR in 2007. This year, she added author to her list of accomplishments, publishing The Mentor Myth in April to help employees take personal accountability for their career development. Debby has earned recognition across Canada for her work and sits on numerous industry boards. She often speaks and writes about workplace issues, including optimizing human capital and diversity in the workplace. Debby has two decades of experience alongside her MBA and CHRP designation. Her rm earned a national HR consultancy award last year. Wendy Carroll Saint Mary's University Wendy Carroll, associate professor of management at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, has re ned and developed evidence-based approaches to the teaching and practice of HR management, while motivating her students to do the same. She has also spent time conducting research into unjust workplace events and possible employee reactions. A practitioner-turned-academic, Wendy's excellence as an educator has earned her seven teaching awards during the past decade. Nita Chhinzer University of Guelph Having completed her MBA in 2000, Nita Chhinzer went on to work in management positions at various companies including HP and Nortel. It was then she recognized that the execution, decisions and implementation of downsizing have signi cant individual, organizational and societal outcomes, prompting her to return to academe to advance our understanding of downsizing. Nita is now an associate professor of HR management at the University of Guelph in Ontario. She also co-authored the textbook Intro to HRM (now in its 13th edition) and has shared her expertise pro bono with multiple stakeholders, including the Town of Oakville and the City of Guelph. Alina Constantin Grieg Seafood BC The development of organizational culture change, a wellness program and new recruiting process have kept Alina Constantin, HR manager at Grieg Seafood BC in Campbell River, B.C., busy of late. As part of the culture focus, she implemented a survey followed by a roadshow to present results and get employee input on developing the action plan. Self-managed communication training and coaching sessions were offered while a leadership development and coaching plan was implemented. A wellness survey showed which health conditions were affecting the greatest numbers of employees, and driving costs, leading to the development of a health strategy. And recruiting guidelines and policies were reviewed. Nick Cooke Eminence Organic Skin Care Nick Cooke's commitment to exceptional people practices makes him a top HR professional in Vancouver. The senior HR and organizational development consultant at Eminence Organic Skin Care, he has been at the company for nine years and seen it quadruple in size, with expanded distribution into 50 countries. Nick has built the senior leadership team and recruited more than 200 new team members. He has also ensured the company exempli es best HR and leadership practices through a continual focus on employee engagement. Nick also holds a degree in computer science and several HR-related certi cates. Kelly DeGurse Reliance Home Comfort As director of organizational development and labour relations at Reliance Home Comfort in Toronto, Kelly DeGurse has seen employee engagement rise to an all-time high of 82 per cent. An intensive focus on a winning culture is part of the reason, along with more positive labour relations — the number of grievances has gone down by 41 per cent. Kelly also introduced workplace councils to solicit suggestions and improvements, along with implementing an online learning platform. She also created a "Positive attitude" test in conjunction with the University of Toronto and a testing vendor, while starting a scholarship program for gas tters to assist candidates in under-serviced areas. Pavlo Farmakidis Woodbine Entertainment Group Having started with a diploma in computer engineering back in 2004, obtaining a master's degree in education in 2009, and now pursuing a CHRP, Pavlo Farmakidis has taken a winding career path. And as recruitment co-ordinator at Woodbine Entertainment Group in Toronto, he demonstrated his expertise recently when suggesting the company hire two Pokemon Go players for a job fair in the summer. About 325 people applied for the one-day gig, which required them to walk around and play the mobile game to attract more people. The move led to about 500 people handing in resumés and generated plenty of media interest from the likes of CityTV and the Huf ngton Post.

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