Canadian HR Reporter

November 14, 2016

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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CANADIAN HR REPORTER November 14, 2016 4 HR BY THE NUMBERS YOU Upgrades Compiled by Marcel Vander Wier - Source: Statistics Canada Hourly wage of a residential rear-load curbside collector with Progressive Waste Solutions in Essex, Ont. at works out to $764 per 40-hour workweek and $39,728 annually. Employees receive nine hours' pay for their birthdays and an opportunity to take that day off . 563,000 Canadians claiming regular employment insurance (EI) benefits in August, down three per cent from July. 4.4% Increase in number of EI beneficiaries since last August. 29.3% Increase in EI claimants in both Ottawa and Kingston, Ont., offsetting declines from July. 6.2% Decrease in EI claimants in Sherbrooke, Que. — the largest decline in the province. 9% Increase of EI claimants in Winnipeg, offsetting an eight per cent decrease in July. 16.1% Increase in number of EI claimants in Abbotsford- Mission, B.C. 259,000 Total EI claims in August, down 18.4% from July. This decrease followed a 30.9% increase in July, mostly attributable to recent legislative changes to the EI program. 62.4% Increase in EI claimants in Alberta over the past year, the highest percentage rise in Canada. 7.1% Decrease in EI claimants in Ontario since August 2015 — tops in the country. Credit: Jopics (Shutterstock) Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades Upgrades 563,000 Canadians claiming regular employment insurance (EI) benefits in August, down three per cent from July. 4.4% Increase in number of EI beneficiaries since last August. 29.3% Canadians are keen for new technology in the workplace, with baby boomers desiring new mobile technology as much as their millennial counterparts. However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually delivering on this need, according to a survey of 2,000 employed Canadians. of Canadian workers say a workplace with antiquated technology would cause them to reconsider their job. 68% of Canadian employees do not feel the technology they have access to helps them be more effi cient. Over half of Canadian cubicles are empty, with unused, costly phone systems gathering dust. Source: WORKshift Canada Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Call in sick Being under the weather isn't keeping workers out of the offi ce, according to a survey of 300 Canadian offi ce workers. While say their company encourages staff to stay home when they're sick, 87 per cent of employees have gone to the offi ce anyway. 32% of employees who show up do so because they feel well enough to do their jobs. 32% say they don't want to fall behind on assignments. 42% of workers are most irked when colleagues don't cover their mouth when sneezing or coughing. workplace, with baby boomers desiring new mobile workplace, with baby boomers desiring new mobile workplace, with baby boomers desiring new mobile workplace, with baby boomers desiring new mobile workplace, with baby boomers desiring new mobile technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. technology as much as their millennial counterparts. However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually However, less than a quarter of businesses are actually delivering on this need, according to a survey of 2,000 Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) Credit: Alex Sun (Shutterstock) 32% 32% 32% 32% 32% 32% 32% 32% of employees who show of employees who show up do so because they feel well up do so because they feel well up do so because they feel well up do so because they feel well up do so because they feel well up do so because they feel well up do so because they feel well up do so because they feel well enough to do their jobs. enough to do their jobs. enough to do their jobs. 32% 32% 32% 32% say they don't want to say they don't want to fall behind on assignments. fall behind on assignments. fall behind on assignments. fall behind on assignments. fall behind on assignments. fall behind on assignments. 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most of workers are most irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues irked when colleagues mouth when sneezing mouth when sneezing mouth when sneezing mouth when sneezing mouth when sneezing mouth when sneezing mouth when sneezing mouth when sneezing mouth when sneezing Source: OfficeTeam, a Robert Half company Credit: EdenExit (Shutterstock) YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU of Canadian workers say a workplace with antiquated technology would cause them technology they have access to helps them be more technology they have access to helps them be more of Canadian cubicles are empty, with of Canadian cubicles are empty, with I want Competition for skilled professionals is fi erce, yet employers may be missing out on a a big segment of potential candidates for those hard-to-fi ll positions. Fif- ty per cent of CFOs typically post an open job and wait for resumés, while just six per cent actively recruit, according to a survey of 270 Canadian CFOs and 400 professionals. of CFOs use an equal mix of waiting for applications and recruiting. 64% of workers say they would consider a job off er from a recruiter, whether they are considering a move or not. Source: Robert Half Management Resources Credit: Dmitry Kalinovsky (Shutterstock) 19.10 They earn what Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Credit: Thinglass (Shutterstock) Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Source: Canadian Labour Reporter/ Stressed out inducers, and that number is even higher for those who have to resort to payday loans to make ends meet, according to a survey of 1,500 Canadians. One in 10 (14 per cent) say they have taken out a payday loan. Two-thirds of Canadians count money as one of their top stress admit money is a stress factor, while 44% label it as their biggest stressor. of payday loan borrowers say money is a major stress factor; 61 per cent say it is their biggest worry. 66% 83% Source: Quickcheck Canada

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