Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2017
CUPE workers
reach tentative
contract with
TORONTO — Education work-
ers represented by the Cana-
dian Union of Public Employees
(CUPE) will soon be voting on
a tentative contract extension
reached in talks with the provin-
cial government, according to
the union.
Local leaders met in Toronto
last week to discuss the outcome
of those talks, and they agreed to
present the tentative extension
to members across the province.
Ratification votes will be held in
the weeks to come, according to
the union.
No details of the tentative
extension will be released until
CUPE members have had an op-
portunity to review and vote. If
ratified, the deal would extend
current collective agreements to
Aug. 31, 2019.
CUPE will have no further
comment on the talks or the
tentative extension until mem-
bers have had an opportunity to
review the settlement and vote,
said the union.
Fifty-five thousand CUPE
members in the school board
sector work as educational as-
sistants (EAs), custodians, office
administrators, early childhood
educators (ECEs), tradespeople,
instructors, library technicians,
speech pathologists, IT special-
ists and in many other job clas-
join UFCW
HAMILTON, Ont. — Workers
at Gaber Dentistry in Hamilton,
Ont., are the newest members
of United Food and Commer-
cial Workers Canada (UFCW)
Canada local 175 after recently
voting to join, said the union.
The new members work as
full- and part-time dental assis-
tants, hygienists, receptionists
and greeters.
"Staff who were performing
the same duties were not being
paid the same wage rate," said
Ali Farman, organizing repre-
sentative for UFCW Canada lo-
cal 175. "They also felt that their
jobs weren't secure following
maternity leave, and that work-
ers were being treated differently
and unfairly."
Kapta workers
ratify new
in Quebec
Que. — United Food and
Commercial Workers' Union
(UFCW) Canada Local 501
members working have ratified
a new collective agreement with
manufacturing company Kapta
in Quebec.
The five-year contract —
which was approved by 92 per
cent of the bargaining unit —
came into effect in November
2016 and will run through July
2021, according to the union.
The new agreement includes:
•wage increases of 4.3 per
cent upon signing the agree-
ment, and 2.5 per cent per year
•a new employer contribu-
tion of $0.18 per hour per work-
er to the UFCW Quebec Dental
Care Plan as of November 2016
•increased seniority protec-
tion from 30 to 36 months for
accident or illness
•an employer contribution to
the FTQ Solidarity Fund.
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Labour Reporter
Commuters line up for trains at Clapham Junction during a tube strike in London, U.K., on Dec. 9.