Canadian HR Reporter

April 17, 2017

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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CANADIAN HR REPORTER April 17, 2017 22 FEATURES DISABILITY MANAGEMENT A case study in HR innovation A look at a revenue-generating solution to long-term workers' compensation claims By Jason Fleming M anaging a long-term worker's compensa- tion claim, where an employee is restricted from completing her pre-injury du- ties, is often a challenging and costly endeavour. Employers are often faced with two undesirable options: 1) offer the injured employee modified work that is non-revenue-gen- erating and increases unproduc- tive wage costs or 2) place the employee on an open claim, with no modified duties, and wait for the experience rating to be im- pacted — likely driving up future premiums. Although this may be a broad and simplistic summary, it repre- sents the reality for many employ- ers dealing with long-term claims. Human resources and business leaders are often forced to choose between the lesser of these two evils when it comes to managing long-term claims. In fact, there is a third option that can lead to reduced claim costs, reduced employer premi- ums, a faster return to work for the injured employee and even an additional revenue stream to the corporate HR department. By choosing to view a long-term worker's compensation claims as opportunities to exhibit an inno- vative problem-solving strategy, organizations can turn these chal- lenging situations into significant organization successes. In certain situations, employers can place an injured employee in a position with another organiza- tion and generate revenue from his work. is does not require the employee to begin working for a different employer. Rather, his employer enters into a business-to-business relation- ship with another organization where it charges for the injured employee's output as a service. As such, the employer gener- ates revenue to offset (or fund) the unproductive wages associated with the employee's modified du- ties. As a result, the employer can provide the injured worker with long-term modified duties with- out having to incur unproductive wage costs or, at least, reducing the total amount of unproductive wage costs. is creates a financially sus- tainable, long-term worker's compensation claim management solution. Furthermore, provided the modified work meets the appli- cable test for reasonableness, if the injured employee refuses the modified duties, she would be ineligible for wage-loss benefits because she is refusing reason- able modified work. is would disqualify the injured employee from receiving wage-loss benefits, which would help reduce total claim costs. Although this situation may sound too good to be true, it can work (and has worked) for em- ployers that have been willing to pursue this strategy. Case study: Professional truck driver A truck driver was on a long-term worker's compensation claim for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following a workplace accident. He was restricted from working in a truck indefinitely. ere were no other revenue-gen- erating positions or duties for the employee. He was relatively co-op- erative and engaged in the modi- fied duties process. e employer was highly cost-conscious as it operated in a low-margin industry. The employer paid for the employee to become licensed as a security guard; the employer paid for the courses, exam and licensing fee. Working as a se- curity guard was in line with the employee's medical restrictions. e employer contacted organi- zations that were recruiting for security guards on Internet job boards to propose the injured employee perform security work in a business-to-business capacity. Eventually, the employer con- nected with an organization that was open to this arrangement: Company A. The employer's HR generalist attended the in- jured employee's interview with Company A. With Company A interested in having the injured employee perform security work there, the HR generalist negoti- ated the employee's bill rate. e employee was presented with a formal offer for modified duties as a security guard for Company A, which he accepted. e placement lasted about four months. Eventually, the employee was cleared to return to his regular duties as a truck driver and he returned to his pre-injury duties. And the employer suspects the placement at Company A acted as an added motivator for the em- ployee to return to his pre-injury duties. Key outcomes is kind of approach provides three key outcomes: Reduction in unproductive wage costs: Throughout this placement, the employer paid the employee his regular wage of $21 per hour and generated $15 per hour in revenue for his services as a security guard. erefore, the employer's unproductive wage costs dropped from $21 per hour to $6 per hour. Workload reduction for HR team: During the four-month placement, the HR generalist who managed the claim in ques- tion saw a significant reduction in the hours required to manage the claim. Rather than scramble every afternoon to plan the following day's modified duties, the employ- ee was placed on a set schedule at Company A, with defined hours and a clear expectation of work. Company A took on the majority of the work involved in managing the modified duties for this claim. Employer obligations met: By implementing this strategy, the employer met its obligations under the provincial workers' compensation legislation to par- ticipate in the return-to-work process. e employer also met its obligation to accommodate the employee's medical restric- tions under the applicable human rights legislation. It should be noted that a di- rector at the provincial workers' compensation board confirmed the following three points regard- ing this use of this strategy — pro- vided the new work is deemed reasonable, meaningful and safe within the context of the indi- vidual claim: • Is it an acceptable practice for an employer to assign work to an employee on a worker's compen- sation claim that is significantly different from her normal job functions. • It is an acceptable practice for an employer to assign work to an employee on a worker's com- pensation claim that generates revenue for the employer, even if the revenue being generated is not from the employee's normal job functions. • It is an acceptable practice for an employer to assign work to an employee on a worker's com- pensation claim that involves the employee working at a job site of the employer's customer or at the employee's home. e solution will not be applica- ble to all workers' compensation claims. Furthermore, there are a number of challenges involved in the execution this strategy, in- cluding: finding an organization that is open to this arrangement; obtaining the case manager's ap- proval for the revenue-generating modified work; and getting the injured employee to co-operate in the process. However, when this strategy is successfully used, it is a remark- able example of human resources operating as a strategic business partner by implementing an innovative solution to a busi- ness problem that directly impacts the bottom line. By thinking outside the box and pushing the traditionally accept- ed boundaries of the workers' compensation framework, HR can demonstrate its value to the organization. HR departments do not need to be cost centres exclusively — this is a faulty assumption. It requires innovation and creativity, but generating revenue through the HR department is possible and, as identified in the case study, can solve some major business chal- lenges at the same time. Jason Fleming is director of human resources at MedReleaf in Markham, Ont., a licensed producer and distrib- utor of medical cannabis. He can be reached at During the four-month placement, the HR generalist involved saw a significant reduction in the hours required to manage the claim.

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