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3 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2017 work on Sunday. Paid holidays: 12 days. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks after 1 year, 4 weeks after 10 years, 5 weeks after 18 years, 6 weeks after 25 years. Overtime: Time and one- half for all hours worked after regular hours. Double time for hours worked after 2 hours' overtime or on Sunday without 48 hours' notice. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death of spouse, common- law partner, same-sex partner, son, daughter, father, mother. 3 days for death of brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, father or mother of common-law part- ner, father or mother of same- sex partner, relative residing in same residence. Probationary period: 6 months or 1,040 hours, which- ever comes first. Discipline: Sunset clause is 2 years. Safety shoes: $160 per year. Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 5.9% increase): Wage schedule 1 1: $19.96 rising 3 steps to $21.13 2: $21.40 rising 3 steps to $22.65 3: $23.67 rising 3 steps to $25.06 4: $25.10 rising 3 steps to $26.57 5: $26.65 rising 3 steps to $28.21 6: $28.95 rising 3 steps to $30.64 7: $30.51 rising 3 steps to $32.30 8: $32.52 rising 3 steps to $34.43 9: $34.23 rising 3 steps to $36.24 10: $37.43 rising 3 steps to $39.63 11: $39.27 rising 3 steps to $41.57 Wage schedule 1A 1: $19.96 rising 3 steps to $21.13 2: $21.40 rising 3 steps to $22.65 3: $23.67 rising 3 steps to $25.06 4: $25.10 rising 3 steps to $26.57 5: $26.65 rising 3 steps to $28.21 6: $28.95 rising 3 steps to $30.64 7: $30.51 rising 3 steps to $32.30 8: $32.67 rising 3 steps to $34.59 9: $34.46 rising 3 steps to $36.48 10: $37.74 rising 3 steps to $39.95 11: $39.66 rising 3 steps to $41.98 Wage schedule 2 1: $17.91 rising 3 steps to $18.96 2: $19.19 rising 3 steps to $20.32 3: $21.23 rising 3 steps to $22.48 4: $22.52 rising 3 steps to $23.84 5: $23.91 rising 3 steps to $25.31 6: $25.97 rising 3 steps to $27.49 7: $27.37 rising 3 steps to $28.97 8: $29.17 rising 3 steps to $30.89 9: $30.71 rising 3 steps to $32.51 10: $33.58 rising 3 steps to $35.55 Wage schedule 3 1: $17.99 rising 3 steps to $19.04 2: $19.08 rising 3 steps to $20.19 3: $21.39 rising 3 steps to $22.59 4: $22.72 rising 3 steps to $24.05 5: $25.10 rising 3 steps to $26.58 6: $27.15 rising 3 steps to $28.75 7: $27.74 rising 3 steps to $29.37 8: $28.84 rising 3 steps to $30.53 9: $30.33 rising 3 steps to $32.11 10: $31.93 rising 3 steps to $33.80 11: $35.37 rising 3 steps to $37.45 Editor's notes: Visual-display terminal: Employee may take 5-minute break after two hours' work at visual-display terminal. Living expenses: When employee is required to travel on company business and remain away from home overnight: Per diem allowance of $50 per day. If employee is away for 1 day: $12 if over breakfast period; $19 if over lunch period; $19 if over dinner period. TRANSPORTATION Air Inuit Multiprovince (220 pilots, first officers, flight attendants) and Teamsters Quebec, Local 1999 Renewal agreement: Effective July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2023. Signed on March 20, 2017. Wage adjustments: Effective July 1, 2017: 1.5% Effective July 1, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022: Percentage of CPI variation for all items from previous year for Quebec. Shift premium: For hours worked after 80 hours of flight during block or rotation: cap- tain: $26.25; first officer: $15.75; flight attendant: $10.50. For pilots: training pilot: $3,000 per year; ACP pilot: $6,000 per year; airborne training: $25 per hour; training per PPG in simu- lator: $200 per session; line in- doctrination: $100 per day; PPC flight test: $25 per hour; line check: $70 per day. For flight attendants: observation flight: $50 per day; line indoctrination: $90 per day; line check: $70 per day. Flight attendant designated as flight-attendant-in-charge for B737 flight (based on se- niority): 0-12 months: $6.50 per hour of flight time; 13-24 months: $7.20 per hour of flight time; 25-60 months: $8 per hour of flight time; more than 60 months: $9.20 per hour of flight time. Paid holidays: 13 days. Vacations with pay: 3 weeks or 6% after 1 year, 4 weeks or 8% after 10 years, 5 weeks or 10% after 16 years, 6 weeks or 12% after 25 years. Overtime: All hours worked after 160 hours per 28 days. Meal allowance: When meals are not provided, employee will be reimbursed for meals. Breakfast: $15 (when on duty between 5 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.). Lunch: $20 (when on duty be- tween 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.). Din- ner: $30 (when on duty between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.) Total: $65. Vision: $300 every 3 years, after 5 years' seniority. Sick leave: 7 days per year, maximum 40 accumulated. Pension: 5% per year into com- pany-sponsored RRSP. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death of spouse, child, father, mother, brother, sister, grand- father, grandmother, father- in-law, mother-in-law, brother or sister of spouse or spouse of brother or sister. Probationary period: 13 ro- tational periods for rotational crew members or 13 blocks for non-rotational crew members. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months. Mileage: $0.55 per kilometre. Sample rates of annual pay (current, after 1.5% increase): Twin Otter/King Air Group First officers Twin Otter/King Air 1: $30,364 rising 1 step to $30,819 2: $31,883 rising 1 step to $32,361 3: $33,476 rising 1 step to $33,978 4: $34,147 rising 1 step to $34,659 5: $34,829 rising 1 step to $35,351 Captains Twin Otter/King Air 1: $55,054 rising 1 step to $55,879 2: $57,805 rising 1 step to $58,673 3: $60,695 rising 1 step to $61,605 4: $61,910 rising 1 step to $62,839 5: $63,150 rising 1 step to $64,095 6: $64,412 rising 1 step to $65,377 7: $65,700 rising 1 step to $66,686 First officers Dash-8 1: $42,850 rising 1 step to $43,493 2: $44,994 rising 1 step to CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS < from pg. 1 Number of landings: Employer will attempt to limit number of landings to maximum 12 per day, 40 per 4 days.