Canadian Labour Reporter

June 19, 2017

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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6 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2017 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS June 19, 2017 for prescription lenses and examinations every 24 months. Paramedical: Employer pays for 80% coverage of drug benefits, maximum of $800 per family per year. Employer provides health spending account of $250 per year per full-time employee and $125 per year for part-time employees. Optional employee- paid plans for orthopedic and hearing aids, massage therapy, physiotherapy, and chiropractic services available. Sick leave: 80 hours (10 days) of discretionary leave time may be used when an employee is unable to work as a result of illness, injury, family emergencies. May be banked to a maximum of 400 hours (50 days). STD: Cost shared 50/50 between employer and employees. 80% of pre-disability salary for 180 days inclusive of 2-week waiting period. LTD: Cost shared 50/50 between employer and employees. 70% of salary to a maximum of $6,000 per months. Options of 2-year plan, 5-year plan, to age 65 plan. Life insurance: Employer pays 75% of premium for plan insuring employees to 2 times the employee's annual income. Pension: Employer contributes 5%, employees 3% to pension plan. Employees may choose to voluntarily contribute beyond this percentage. Bereavement leave: 4 scheduled shifts for death of parent, stepparent, spouse, common-law spouse, child, stepchild, parent-in-law, sibling, grandchild. 3 scheduled shifts for death of a ward or relative permanently residing in employee's household. 1 scheduled shift to attend funeral of child-in-law, sibling- in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or grandparent or to attend funeral as pallbearer. Up to 2 additional scheduled shifts for service more than 250 kilometres away. Seniority – recall rights: 24 months. Call-in pay: Minimum of 3 hours at time and one-half — if not contiguous with employee's scheduled working hours — for full-time employees. Minimum 3 hours at regular rate for part- time and casual employees. Probationary period: 6 months. May be extended up to 2 months if an evaluation has been given prior to 3 months and 6 months. Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months. Severance: Employees with 3 or more years of continuous employment receive 1 week's pay for each complete year of continuous employment to a maximum of 15 weeks' pay. Safety shoes: $150 per year for approved safety footwear. Can be carried over to next fiscal year for $300 over two years. Uniforms/clothing: Where employer determines protective clothing is needed, employer will provide it. Mileage: Where employee is authorized to use privately owned vehicle on employer's business, employee will be reimbursed per rates as established by the province of Manitoba (Master Agreement). Sample rates of hourly pay (current): Pay level 1 (file clerk): $16.11 rising 7 steps to $19.77 Pay level 2 (accounting clerk 1, administrative assistant, administrative support level 1, administrative/inventory assistant, casino audit clerk, compliance administrator, corporate security ambassador, receiving administrator, receptionist, warehouse clerk): $17.60 rising 7 steps to $21.62 Pay level 3 (accounting clerk 2, administrative assistant level 2, administrative support level 2, administrator, key and lock systems buyer, community events team, coordinator food & beverage inventory control, customer contact representative – lottery, junior coordinator, payroll administrator, product administrator, product integrity specialist, program administrator, records management coordinator, retail network administrator, scheduling administrator, security support, warehouse lead hand): $20.59 rising 7 steps to $25.34 Pay level 4 (administrator support services, CMMS coordinator, coordinator media traffic, coordinator social media, corporate security support, electrical technologist, financial analyst, marketing coordinator, operational systems analyst, player development coordinator, research analyst, retail network administrator – lottery, retail specialist, sales representative hospitality and entertainment services): $22.09 rising 7 steps to $27.15 Pay level 5 (advertising coordinator, charitable coordinator, communications coordinator, employee rewards and recognition coordinator, events coordinator, media production coordinator, production coordinator, direct marketing coordinator, entertainment buyer, facility planner, graphic designer, human resources policy analyst, IMPACT team coordinator, integrated systems technician 1, key accounts representative, lottery commercial gaming representative, lottery programs coordinator, policy analyst, procurement agent, product specialist, promotion and event coordinator, senior coordinator production, training specialist, VLD commercial gaming representative, volunteer coordinator): $25.08 rising 7 steps to $30.87 Pay level 6 (commercial gaming systems analyst, e-marketing specialist, facility project coordinator, senior coordinator media production, senior marketing data analyst, senior marketing research analyst, team leader community events, team leader events): $26.35 rising 7 steps to $32.42 Pay level 7 (facilities project manager, integrated systems technician 2, statistical analyst): $31.64 rising 7 steps to $38.84 IT pay level 1 (service desk technician): $23.18 rising 5 steps to $28.52 IT pay level 2 (client standard technician, developer 1, operations analyst, quality assurance analyst 1): $26.81 rising 5 steps to $32.96 IT pay level 3 (developer 2, IT business analyst, quality assurance analyst 2, senior operations analyst): $30.15 rising 5 steps to $37.09 IT pay level 4 (data quality analyst, database administrator, developer 3, disaster recovery technical specialist, senior information security specialist, senior technical specialist — data cable management, senior technical specialist — ERP, senior technical specialist gaming, senior technical specialist — network, senior technical specialist — server, systems analyst): $33.07 rising 5 steps to $40.67 IT pay level 5 (IT project manager, lead developer, senior problem analyst, senior systems analyst, computer operations supervisor, technical support supervisor, technical lead — database, technical lead — ERP, technical lead — network, technical lead server): $35.96 rising 5 steps to $44.48 Editor's notes: Performance appraisal: Where formal assessment of employee's performance is made, employee will be given 72 hours to read assessment before employee is required to sign. Performance appraisal: Employee will be given 72 hours to read assessment before employee is required to sign.

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