Labour Reporter
June 26, 2017
Ontario worker's request for
travel-time credit denied
AN EMPLOYEE working for
the Ontario College of Trades
regularly submitted hours for
travel time but not all were ac-
cepted by the employer.
Yacine Dottridge — a stake-
holder's relations coordinator in
the communications and mar-
keting department for the regu-
latory body in Ontario — began
working on Sept. 3, 2013 and was
responsible for organizing vari-
ous events on behalf of the col-
lege. He was expected to regular-
ly spend a few days away from his
home of Toronto.
When he travelled, Dottridge
would advise Tyler Charlebois,
manager, by email of the time
and the hours would be placed
into a lieu account, so employees
could take time off in lieu of the
travel time. There was no formal
record of the time issued.
In March 2016, Dottridge be-
gan reporting to Perry Chao,
who oversaw a new payroll track-
ing system that formally booked
CN Rail employee tests positive
following earlier drug test refusal
Worker claims marijuana
in cookies he consumed
A RAILWAY worker's positive drug test when
he was on a last-chance agreement was sufficient
to warrant dismissal, an arbitrator ruled despite
the worker's claims he unknowingly ingested the
The 50-year-old employee — referred to as
"M.B." by the arbitrator — worked with Canadian
National Railway (CN) for 26 years. Like all CN
employees, he was subject to CN's drug and alco-
hol policy that required "biological testing for the
presence of drugs and alcohol in the breath is con-
ducted where reasonable cause exists to suspect
alcohol or drug use or possession in violation of
Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment — Ontario pg. 3 Government of Canada —
Multiprovince pg. 4 CASA Child, Adolescent & Family Mental Health — Alberta pg. 4
Marpole Transport — British Columbia pg. 5 Prairie South School Division No. 210 —
Saskatchewan pg. 5 NACC Shipping Canada — Quebec pg. 6
pg. 2
Bargaining begins
Several hotels in downtown
Vancouver undertaking new
collective agreements
talks, according to Unifor
Alberta food-services worker fired after not responding to recall order pg. 8
see Story > pg. 7
Whitby, Ont.
(400 grocery retail employees) and Unifor Local 1090
Renewal agreement: Effective
March 1, 2017, to Feb. 28, 2022.
Signed on Feb. 17, 2017.
Shift premium: $0.80 per hour
for all hours worked on after-
noon and night shifts. $0.95 per
hour for all employees posted
in freezer.
Paid holidays: 10 days.
Vacations with pay: 2 weeks
or 4% after 1 year, 3 weeks or
6% after 5 years, 4 weeks or 8%
after 10 years, 5 weeks or 10%
after 18 years.
Overtime: Time and one-half
for all hours worked after 8
hours per day or 40 hours per
Medical benefits: Sobeys'
Group Insurance Plan.
Pension: Sobeys' Pension Plan.
Bereavement leave: 5 days
for death in immediate family
(spouse, sister/brother five, par-
see Collective agreements > pg. 3 see Arbitration > pg 8