Labour Reporter
July 24, 2017
Coast Mountain
Bus Company
(4,700 operations, maintenance employees)
and Unifor Local 111, Local 2200
Renewal agreement: Effec-
tive April 1, 2016, to March 31,
2019. Signed on July 15, 2016.
Shift premium: First aid: $0.21
per hour for level 2; $0.24 per
hour for level 3. $0.90 per hour
(previously $0.75 per hour) for
all hours worked after 8 p.m.
Effective December 2017 sheet:
$1.05 per hour. Shops, garages:
$1.55 per hour for afternoon
shift; $1.65 per hour for night
shift. Spray painting: $0.25 per
hour facilities maintenance
employees when spray painting.
Sanitation: Employees cleaning
buses shall receive a premium
equal to 50% of straight-time
Calgary worker grieves
loss of accommodation
A SERIES of injuries left an Al-
berta chicken processing plant
worker unable to climb more than
five steps at a time. To accommo-
date her, the employer allowed the
woman to use the office lunch-
room — instead of the employee
lunchroom — because it was on a
lower level in the plant.
Shukri Mohamud was hired by
Sofina Foods in 2010 as a packag-
ing worker.
From October 2014 to January
2015, Mohamud suffered four in-
juries at the plant, including being
involved in a car accident in the
parking lot when the car she was
in was hit by another car as she
was being driven back to the office
from a physiotherapy appoint-
Mohamud was at first slot-
ted into a temporary position
performing kidney and carcass
On April 3, 2015, she provided
a functional abilities form — filled
out by her family doctor — that
Canadian National Railway worker
fired for safety violation, not disability
No evidence that
company failed in its
duty to accommodate
AN ARBITRATOR has upheld the termination
of a Canadian National Railway worker who was
fired for using his cellphone while working, despite
his claim that he needed to have the phone with
him at all times for medical reasons.
The worker was an intermodal equipment op-
erator for Canadian National Railway at the rail-
way's Brampton, Ont., intermodal terminal. His
job involved loading heavy containers on and off
trains and trucks, as well as moving such contain-
ers to storage areas.
The Brampton terminal had a policy on per-
sonal communication devices that prohibited
pg. 2
Strike authorized
Workers at Rio Tinto in B.C. vote
99.5 per cent in favour of walking
out if deal not reached
with management
see Employee > pg. 7
see Collective agreements > pg. 3 see Arbitration > pg 8
ArcelorMittal Montreal Hamilton East — Ontario pg. 4 Manitoba Hydro — Manitoba
pg. 4 Government of New Brunswick — New Brunswick pg. 5 Westin Harbour Castle
— Ontario pg. 6
Moncton professor grieves after workload reduction request denied pg. 8