Canadian Labour Reporter

July 24, 2017

Canadian Labour Reporter is the trusted source of information for labour relations professionals. Published weekly, it features news, details on collective agreements and arbitration summaries to help you stay on top of the changing landscape.

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5 Canadian HR Reporter, a Thomson Reuters business 2017 CANADIAN LABOUR REPORTER COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS Vision: $400 every 24 months for each family member. Sick leave: 18 days per year for less than 64 pay periods of service; 26 days for more than 64 pay periods of service. Maxi- mum accrual of 246 days. LTD: Employer funds long- term disability plan. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death of spouse, child, parent, parent-in-law. 3 paid days for death of sibling, sibling-in-law, grandparent, grandparent-in- law, grandchild. Up to 3 paid days for death of relative per- manently residing at employee's household for previous 12 months. Paid leave to attend fu- neral will not be unreasonably denied. 1 day to attend funeral as pallbearer. Call-in pay: 3-hour minimum for initial overtime call-out. 1-hour minimum for subse- quent call-outs between end of scheduled working hours and start of following working day. If first call within 3 hours of start of regular work day, overtime rates will apply up to regular start time. Probationary period: 13 com- pleted pay periods for regular employees, 958.1 hours for hourly paid employees. Severance: 3 days' pay for each complete year of service beyond 25 years of service (pro-rated for partial years) payable on res- ignation, retirement, death or termination for reasons other than dismissal. For employees declared redundant, 3 weeks' pay for each complete year of service up to a maximum of 52 weeks. Safety shoes: 85% of purchase price to a maximum of $220 per vacation year for safety foot- wear for use on job. Can be car- ried over to combined 2 years' allowance. Sample rates of annual pay (current): 34: $93,549.56 minimum, $128,163.88 maximum Staff officer 6, supervisor 6, cus- tomer service centre supervisor 3, project leader 2: $85,852.26 minimum, $117,620.36 maxi- mum Safety officer 3, staff officer 5, supervisor 5, technical officer 3, customer service centre supervisor 2, information tech- nology officer 2, key account officer, maintenance supervisor 3-electrical/mechanical, plant operating supervisor 2, project leader 1: $79,130.74 minimum, $109,249.66 maximum Shift change engineer, staff of- ficer 4, supervisor 4, system shift supervisor – generation/ network, technicial officer 2, telecontrol supervisor, chemist 2, commissioning co-ordinator, construction supervisor 2, cus- tomer service centre assistant supervisor 1, information tech- nology officer 1, maintenance supervisor 2-electrical/me- chanical, plant operating super- visor 1, project officer 2, safety officer 2: $72,646.60 minimum, $100,242.22 maximum Chemist 1, construction super- visor 1, customer service centre assistant supervisor 1, mainte- nance supervisor 1-electrical/ mechanical, project officer 1, safety officer 1, staff officer 3, supervisor 3, technical of- ficer 1: $65,661.44 minimum, $90,891.06 maximum Staff officer 2, supervisor 2, utility supervisor 2: $60,231.08 minimum, $83,341.70 maxi- mum Staff officer 1, supervisor 1, utility supervisor 1: $55,275.22 minimum, $76,453.26 maxi- mum Editor's notes: Leave: Personal leave without pay is available to a maximum of 2 years, depending on length of ser- vice. EDUCATION Government of New Brunswick Fredericton (8,000 teachers) and e New Brunswick Teachers' Federation (NBTF) Renewal agreement: Effective March 1, 2016, to Feb. 28, 2021. Signed on May 24, 2017. Paid holidays: Days pro- claimed by Governor-General or Lieutenant-Governor. Medical benefits: Employer will pay 50% of premiums to New Brunswick Teachers' Fed- eration Group Health Insurance Plan. Employer will contribute during agreement, additional $5 million to the New Bruns- wick Teachers' Federation for allocation to group health and dental insurance plans. Dental: Employer will pay 50% of premiums to federation's dental insurance plan. Sick leave: 1.5 days per month, maximum 15 days per year. May be accumulated, maxi- mum 195 days. Life insurance: Employer will pay 50% of premiums to New Brunswick Teachers' Federa- tion Group Life Insurance Plan for $50,000 coverage. Pension: New Brunswick Teachers' Pension Plan. Bereavement leave: 5 days for death of mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister or parent- in-law. 3 days for death of grandmother, grandfather, sis- ter-in-law, brother-in-law, son- in-law, daughter-in-law, grand- daughter, grandson, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew. 1 day for death of grandfather, grandmother, aunt or uncle of spouse. Probationary period: 3 years with same school district. Discipline: Sunset clause is 12 months. Sample rates of annual pay (current, after increase): Year 1 TL: $37,197 rising 9 steps to $38,907 C1: $37,197 rising 9 steps to $38,907 C2: $37,197 rising 9 steps to $38,907 C3: $37,197 rising 9 steps to $38,907 C4: $46,418 rising 9 steps to $48,549 C5: $51,029 rising 9 steps to $53,372 C6: $55,632 rising 9 steps to $58,186 Sample rates of daily sub- stitute teacher's (with New Brunswick certificate or teacher's licence) pay (cur- rent, after increase): Teacher's licence: $152.59 rising 9 steps to $159.59 C1: $152.59 rising 9 steps to $159.59 C2: $152.59 rising 9 steps to $159.59 C3: $152.59 rising 9 steps to $159.59 C4: $190.44 rising 9 steps to $199.19 C5: $209.34 rising 9 steps to Leave: Personal leave without pay is available to a maximum of 2 years, depending on length of service. Retirement allowance: Employer will pay allowance of 5 days' pay for each year of service, maximum 125 days.

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