Canadian HR Reporter

September 18, 2017 CAN

Canadian HR Reporter is the national journal of human resource management. It features the latest workplace news, HR best practices, employment law commentary and tools and tips for employers to get the most out of their workforce.

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CANADIAN HR REPORTER September 18, 2017 FEATURES 13 To order your subscription call 1.800.387.5164 or 416.609.3800 Safety Reporter Canadian Canadian Safety Reporter is an essential resource for the creation of a safe workplace. This monthly newsletter illustrates techniques and strategies on how to keep the workplace safe from hazards and in full compliance with the latest legislation. Learn the practical knowledge and skills to confidently lead and manage your employees, ensure uniformity and consistency in day-to-day operations and provide the framework for business planning. Whether you are a health and safety manager, HR professional, consultant or specialist this is the essential newsletter you need to stay informed. WORKPLACE SAFETY IS A CHEAP YET EFFECTIVE INSURANCE POLICY Access a sample issue now at: Subscribe today for only $89 * Order No. 20208-17-68730 Save $46 Start your subscription and receive: • 12 issues of Canadian Safety Reporter • As an added feature, provides daily news, updates, features, and videos that are designed to have immediate and lasting impressions on members in all levels of organizations • Monthly e-newsletter delivered right to your desktop that links you to our publications TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER *Available to first-time subscribers only RELOCATION Taking the virtual route Video walkthroughs help employees, families prepare for relocation By Kerry Daniels I n 2003, Skype ushered in a revolution, and anyone with a computer, webcam, head- set and Internet connection could chat face-to-face with friends for free. But as mobile devices began to outpace desktops and laptops with more advanced functional- ity and flexibility, there was a clear gap, and an opportunity to adapt the technology. anks in large part to Apple's innovative efforts — with the launch of FaceTime for iPhone in 2010 — video telephony quickly transformed into a viable and accessible means of connect- ing humans virtually. Now, virtual conversations are taking place in every corner of the globe. Video communication has been practically applied in a wide range of industries. And new applications are be- ing implemented by forward- thinking relocation companies to help build strong client relation- ships near and far — and boost productivity. e communication revolution Organizations of every size are under pressure to continuously adapt to compete in the rapidly expanding global market. In ad- dition to an unpredictable eco- nomic climate, a geographically shifting business landscape has created a sense of urgency to at- tract and retain top talent on a global scale. With opportunities from emerging markets in Europe and Asia, companies are focusing more attention on their corpo- rate mobility professionals and programs to strategically guide them in placing and moving tal- ent, while keeping associated costs under control. Relocating employees has al- ways been an expensive and com- plex proposition, with few vari- ables that allow for cutting cor- ners without affecting the overall experience. Among other factors, there are busy schedules and rig- id timelines to consider, both of which significantly impede face- to-face communication, which is essential for establishing a foun- dation of trust and a successful relocation. e virtual consultation Recognizing the potential to im- prove processes for the mobil- ity industry, a Serbian company developed a free-to-use solution that enables "virtual home con- sultation" with employees across the globe. Through an embedded web- site widget, assignees or a family member can schedule a virtual consultation — or video walk- through — of their home at their convenience. Once they download the app to their mobile device, they con- nect with a relocation counselor via a video call. is face-to-face meeting helps to establish a per- sonal connection, serving as the first touchpoint where clients can express concerns and ask questions. The client is provided with preparation tips and instructions in advance: turn on lights, open cupboards and drawers, and give prior consideration to those items that may need extra care and spe- cial handling. e next step is straightfor- ward. Connecting through the client's mobile device, both cli- ent and counselor view the lay- out and contents of the home in real time, with the client moving from room to room capturing ev- erything from pots and pans to furniture. Performing the virtual walk- through takes about half the time of a traditional in-home visit and removes the obstacles and limi- tations that are often associated with conflicting time zones and distances. High-quality video, with the option for the client to record and upload the footage, allows the relocation experts to review the footage if necessary. is makes for a more accu- rate estimate of the cost of the move, and provides an early op- portunity to address potential problems or identify pieces that may be considered hazardous or difficult to ship, as well as de- termining items that may need some extra care. A holistic approach Global assignments involve the everyday lives of both transferees and their families, who have poli- cies to navigate, formalities to co- ordinate and legalities to adhere to — all while faced with the reality of adapting quickly to a new as- signment and getting a job done. With virtual consultations pav- ing the way, the mobility industry will undoubtedly contribute to helping organizations reduce the expense of costly business-critical re-assignments, while providing comprehensive services that en- able talented individuals to suc- cessfully perform on the world stage. Kerry Daniels is a regional sales man- ager at Crown World Mobility. For more information, visit

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